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The Future According to Jesus

Dr. Jay Gary asks, What can a Galilean Jew still teach us about creating our future? This essay proposes that Jesus held a three-futures framework, explores this as a first-century generational narrative, and 3) offer reflections on how a post-conventional faith can approach the future. […]

The Future of Business as Mission

Is Christian ministry responsible for the direction of the 21st century? Can it influence Big Business and Brother Government toward a great transition to sustainability? […]

Faith 20/20 Formation Scenarios

by staff, July 5, 2010

What will Christian faith formation in churches look like in 2020? Can we begin now to envision the shape of faith formation in the year 2020? Can we prepare our churches for the future of faith formation? This new decade will demand new thinking and new models, practices, resources, and […]

What is the Future of the Religious Right?

by Jay Gary, Nov 2, 2008

Consider these three futures of the Religious Right.

It is two days before the U.S. election. I am listening right now to David Brody, the senior correspondence from Pat Robertson’s CBN. He is hosting a “View from the Right” panel on CNN. He opened one of his […]

The Future of Business as Mission

by Jay Gary, Jan 24, 2007

A while back I presented a paper to the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiology Society on April 21, 2005, entitled, “The Future of Business as Mission: An Inquiry into Macro-Strategy.” The abstract is:

Recently ‘Business as Mission’ has emerged as a world evangelization strategy. It operates at the micro-level of […]

Beyond Today’s Cyber-Church

by Steve Raimo, Aug 5, 2008

In 1998, George Barna, Christian pollster and sociologist, predicted the emergence of the cyber-church in the early years of the 21st century. He envisioned congregations of millions that will never travel physically to a building but will instead roam the internet in search of meaningful spiritual experiences. Barna concluded […]