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Churches and Futurists

artificial intelligence

IMPACT Magazine of Singapore recently interviewed Dr. Jay Gary on how professional futurists view the church and the future of society. […]

The Future According to Jesus

Dr. Jay Gary asks, What can a Galilean Jew still teach us about creating our future? This essay proposes that Jesus held a three-futures framework, explores this as a first-century generational narrative, and 3) offer reflections on how a post-conventional faith can approach the future. […]

The Scoundrel's Guide to Scandal

by Dr. Jay Gary

This speech, “Framing Christian Futuring,” was given to Bacone College at their 2007 Presidential Leadership Summit.

I would like to spin a story for you about scandal, corruption, crime, and perjury–of wickedness in high places. No, I am not thinking about Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, Bernard Ebbers, Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzalez, […]

The Pattern of Biblical Transformation

Dr Jay Gary describes the pattern of biblical transformation that God uses to across creation and history, business and careers. […]

Exploring Christian Futures

by Dr Jay Gary, Nov 4, 2002

Recently I took a journey up Pikes Peak, American’s mountain of inspiration. Situated where the western plains meet the Rocky Mountains, it was here that Kathryn Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” An Aussie friend had come to see Colorado Springs for the first time, and I was […]

Is Evangelism Religious Abuse?

by Jay Gary, PhD, Jun 9, 2005

If the Washington Post has their Woodward and Berstein who uncovered Watergate, the Colorado Springs Gazette has Pam Zubeck. For the past two years she has been on the weekly beat of uncovering leadership failures at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Her coverage of the military’s initial reticence […]

The Birth of an AD 2000 Agenda

Note: This was one of three addresses Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16, 1990 at the “Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization” in Indianapolis.

Participants at Indianapolis ’90

Calling the church to finish the task of world evangelization by the turn of the century is nothing new. One […]

Regent Launches ‘Futures’ Degree: 2006

by Dr Jay Gary, May 10, 2006

This past summer Regent University announced the launch of a M.A. of Strategic Foresight degree, a project I have been working on for two years. This unique online program allows mid-career professions to study the future in the context of organizational decision-making, while continuing to work full-time.

It […]

Tumbling Toward 2000: Evangelization movements enter the ’90s

If recent history tells us anything, the turn of the centuryof the millennium, will galvanize attention around the world. The celebrations surrounding the American bicentennial, in 1976, the commemoration of the signing of the Constitution of the United States, in 1987, the forthcoming five-hundredth anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the New World in 1992: these will pale before the blaze attending the year 2000. […]

AD 2000 Global Action Plan

You don’t live until you become involved in something bigger than yourself. The following is a summary of AD 2000 Global Goals, as fashioned by global Christian leaders in 1989. […]