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Campus Revival to Host June Institute at Yale

by Dale Warn, May 26, 2006

campus_institute_lNEW HAVEN, Conn. – An institute to help college campus ministry leaders understand revival and awakening biblically and historically – and to help bring revival to their own campuses – has been scheduled for June 21-28 at Yale University. As of Memorial Day, some 40 campus staff had registered to attend.

“The Institute of Campus Revival and Awakening” is sponsored by Collegiate Impact, Campus Renewal Ministries and The Center for World Revival and Awakening, in Buchanan, MI. (

“The Institute will focus on spiritual breakthroughs of the past, as well as current issues, to prepare and equip participants for campus transformation in the present,” said Dave Warn, founder and director of Collegiate Impact.

“It is not just an intellectual or academic event, but will provide a practical way to spark genuine revival in the classic sense,” he said. “It is more than a classroom experience, and will include prayer and worship.”

The Institute, limited to 70 participants, is designed for full-time leaders of denominational and parachurch campus ministries, such as Campus Crusade for Christ, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, The Navigators, The Christian Union, Baptist Student Union, Reformed University Fellowship and Chi Alpha.  Campus ministry leaders of Christian universities and colleges also are among likely attendees.

Topics to be explored include America’s four “Great Awakenings” and their implications for campus ministries today; the theological, historical and practical underpinnings of revival and awakening; campus revival in relation to intellectualism and anti-intellectual; postmodernism: help or hindrance; and more.

The Institute is being held at Yale because many Ivy League schools were founded on Christian principles, with an expressed Christian mission, Warn claims.

“Timothy Dwight, grandson of Jonathan Edwards, leader of the ‘First Great Awakening,’ was president of Yale when God brought a deep, broad, sweeping move of the Holy Spirit to the campus during the ‘Second Great Awakening.’  As we look to the past and its implications for campus ministry today, we will be meeting at the epicenter of the campus aspect of a great revival,” Warn said.

Faculty will include Dale Schlafer, founder and president of the Center for World Revival; Jeremy Story, founder and president of Campus Renewal Ministries; Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr., senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tenn.; George Otis Jr., founder of the Sentinel Group; Dr. Ken Mikema, the world’s foremost scholar on Jonathan Edwards and editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale; Caleb Maskell, associate editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center; Del Fehsenfeld III, director of publications for Life Action Ministries; and Dave Warn.

Half of the cost of tuition has been underwritten, therefore the institute will cost only $395, plus $525 for seven nights and eight days for on-campus lodging and $170 for meals. Scholarships are available.

Application can be made online at or by calling 800-321-1538, ext.

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