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Christianity in the 21st Century

Wuthnow book

In 1993, Robert Wuthnow, released a title, Christianity in the Twenty-first Century: Reflections on the Challenges Ahead. […]

The Church in the Midst of Creation

by staff writer, May 7, 2004

Christian Futures is pleased to present this ebook, newly layed out and with a discussion guide for any one who wants to grapple with how to lead the church beyond its captivity to the Industrial age.

Vincent J. Donovan is known to tens of thousands of readers as the […]

The Church in Emerging Culture

by Jay Gary, May 8, 2004

Last fall I had the pleasure of meeting Brian McLaren, a leader in Emergent, an initiative by 20 and 30-something Christians to express their faith in a relevant way to both the present and the future.

Over a breakfast burrito at Pepperjacks, Brian sketched out a message/method matrix that […]

Transforming Christianity: Ten Pathways to a New Reformation

by staff writer, Jun 1, 1996

by Stephen Glauz-Todrank Crossroads, 1996 ISBN 0-8245-1525-0

“Christianity,” writes the author, “is beginning to undergo a metammorphosis from traditional Roman Catholic and Protestant worldviews into something altogether new.” Transforming Christianity sheds light on the reformation that is happening now.

Glauz-Todrank argues that a global metamorphosis is taking place whereby […]

Evangelicals Face the Future

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1978

In early 1977, Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. Hudson Armerding and Dr. Donald Hoke, director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College gathered a group of twenty leaders together to consider the future of the church and evangelicalism in the last 23 years of 20th century.

Hoke claims […]