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Cathedral to Focus on Innovation & Tradition

by Elizabeth Mullen, April 19, 2007

Billed as a “A Gathering to Envision, Encourage & Energize Renewing Mainline Congregations,” the Washington National Cathedral convened a three-day gathering in May, 10-12, 2007. Mainline and evangelical Christians talked about the best practices within their ministries and how these practices address a new set of cultural conditions in the 21st century.

Authors, scholars and theologians –Diana Butler Bass, Michael Battle, Marcus Borg, Barbara Brown Taylor, Fred Burnham, Carmen Gurrero, Tony Jones, Phyllis Tickle, Cathedral Dean Sam Lloyd and others–reflected on the direction the church is taking. Drawing from Butler Bass’ latest book, Christianity for the Rest of Us, participants will translate her research into action by building a trans-denominational network of religious leaders who are renewing their faith traditions.

“Conversations about honoring past faith traditions and molding them to the way we live allow us to move into the future,” says the Rev. Canon Howard Anderson, warden of the Cathedral College, the educational arm of Washington National Cathedral. “The Cathedral wants to be a convening place for on-going strategies and partnerships so religious leaders can effectively guide their congregations in the 21st century.”

Conversations on Latino/Hispanic and African American ministries, the New Monasticism and Emergent Communities were also on the agenda.

Further information about the event can be found at the conference page, or email The conference was underwritten in party by a grant from Trinity Grants Program, Trinity Church Wall Street. Co-sponsors include St. Albans Church and Wesley Seminary.

Media Contact: Elizabeth Mullen
202-537-6248, office

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