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Century of Faith: 1901 letters, 2101 reflections

One hundred years ago the leaders of the Pikes Peak region sealed a Century Chest with some 130 letters and items, many addressed to congregations or clergy of the year 2001. What did these people of faith from 1901 have to say to us? What message should we seal and send to the Year 2101?

It is not every day that the past and future embrace. We hardly ever wonder what faith meant to our great-grandparents or what spirituality might mean to our great grandkids. But this is not every day, these are the first days of a new century!

Hello, my name is Jay Gary, host of the “Century of Faith” program in Colorado Springs which is being broadcast on the Library Channel throughout January, February and March of 2001. For the past two years I have been involved in helping develop and then lead the Springs 2000 Commission. Our motto has been “honor the past and imagine the future.”

Here is a 2 minute video I produced to kick-off the Springs 2000 commission in January of 1999. It gives an upbeat feel to arrival of the millennium. The Commission worked for 18 months to identify, encourage and assist community-wide millennial projects and events from 1999-2001 in the Pikes Peak region among business, technology, health, education, environment, military, religious, arts, sports and tourism groups.

In this capacity on the Commission, I have had the privilege of serving the Pikes Peak Millennial Season as Liaison to the Religious Sector. The members of the Springs 2000 Commission from our community’s congregations, temples or spiritual associations have been: Dr. Gerald Trigg, Rabbi Howard Hirsch, Bishop Richard Hanifen, Rev. Jesse Brown, Jr., Rev. Jaan Heinmets, Sr. Peg Maloney, Major Steve Owen, Pastor George Stahnke, Rev. Richard Trussell and Rev. Alvin Yeary.

You may not have been on the Springs 2000 Commission, but one thing you share with us and all citizens of the Pikes Peak region is how fortunate we feel to be living here. There is something special about the “purple mountain majesty” of Pikes Peak that lifts our lives daily out the mundane, and inspires us with the grandeur of creation, the beauty of life, and the greatness of God.

The Century Chest

Century Chest - Colorado SpringsOn New Year’s Day 2001, some 300 people gathered at Colorado College to open the Century Chest. This steel plated box from 1901 contained some 80 letters to the people and institutions of the Year 2001. The following items came from or were related to the religious community of 1901:

To the People of Colorado Springs in the Year 2001, Episcopal
Arthur N. Taft, St. Stephen’s Church

On the Future of our Fair City,
H. W. Boyle, First Presbyterian Church

To the Ministers of Colorado Springs in the Year 2001,
Manly D. Ormes, Second Congregational Church & El Paso County Bible Society

Ministerial life in Colorado Springs,
Benjamin Brewster, rector of Grace Church

To the Rector of Grace Church in the Year 2001,
A. R. Kieffer, D.D., Church of the Ascension, Bradford, Pa. (Episcopal)

To the Church of Christ Scientists in the Year 2001,
Patty Stuart Jewett

To Our Friends One-Hundred Yrs. Hence:
Ten Reasons Why Christian Science Will Be the Religion of Your Day, Edson M. Cole

To the 21st Century Christian Endeavors:
program and badge from the 13th annual state convention

Young Men’s Christian Association,
Colorado Springs, Colo. August 5th, 1901

History of the Unitarian church of Colorado Springs,
Mary Hamilton Stockwell

For the first quarter of 2001, a “Century of Faith” Message Board was set up that allowed people both to read and discuss these 1901 religious letters. Also during that time, the items of the Century Chest were put on display in three locations downtown in Colorado Springs: at Pioneers Museum, at Penrose Library and at Tutt Library, Colorado College (1021 N. Cascade).

The Special Collections and Archives of Tutt Library has dedicated a web site to the Century Chest and has scans of the original hand-written letters posted on their web site at,

The Next Century Chest

When the Century Chest was sealed 100 years ago, local mining investor, Louis Ehrich, raised the hope that during 2001, the citizens of Colorado Springs would likewise transmit a similar Century Chest to their descendants, “thus binding the centuries together with wide links of affectionate regard, and bridging the ages with living words of buoyant hope, of glad prophecy, and of steadfast love.”

During the first quarter of 2001, the Century Chest Planning Committee solicited letters, photographs and reports to refill the Chest for 2101. The re-filling ceremony was held Friday, April 20, 2001, at 10 am, at Tutt Library, at Colorado College. I was asked to help coordinate contributions from the faith community.

I asked some 20 clergy to write a letter to their successors in the Year 2101. These were 2-pages or less, on the stationary of their congregation or non-profit group. Some 10 contributions came in representing Catholic, Congregational, Unitarian, Nazarene, Esoteric, Inter-Faith, Pentecostal, Youth, Buddhist and Evangelical. Although requested, there was not a contribution from the Jewish or Black religious community. Don’t make too much of this in the year 2101! The founding church of our city did not contribute a letter to the 1901 chest, although I presume they were invited.

The Century of Faith Survey

During the first quarter of 2001, we collected via the internet responses to our Century Chest survey from the public. Our desire was to reflect both the grassroots as well as official reflections on our spiritual journey into the 21st century. People filled out the questionnaire below. Their comments are posted below.

1. Prefix: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Rev.
Gender: Male Female
2. First Name: Last Name:
3. Age: under 1919 to 2829 to 39 40 to 5556 to 65over 65
4. City:
5. Email:
6. Phone: ()
7. Organization: Job Title:
8. How long have you lived in Pikes Peak region?
9. What is your religious background(s)?
What is your religious preference(s) today, if any?
10. What was most meaningful to you from the historic religious letters of 1901?
11. Is there something special about living under the shadow of Pikes Peak?
12. Tell us about your spiritual journey up until now?
13. Did the approach or the arrival of the year 2000 mean anything to you last year? How do you see that now, a year later?
14. In your opinion, is our community spiritually healthy? Is it ready for the 21st century?
15. In packing our bags for the next hundred years, what should religion leave out? What should it throw in?
16. If this question was a time machine and you found yourself transported 100 years into the future, what would you say to those that would gather to hear “the person from 2001”?

The 2001 Survey Results

Some eleven online surveys were collected. Their responses, keyed to the questions below are reproduced below.

From a mid-age male, construction worker, in Colorado Springs
Monday, January 8, 2001 – 11:56 am:

Area: 6 1/2 years

Background: I was raised a Baptist and accepted Jesus as my Saviour as a child of 7. Today I attend a non-denominational church, Woodman Valley Chapel.

1901-Letters: Arthur Taft’s letter. He shared the views and wonderment of the people of 1901. Yet realizing that the journey of mankind was far from over.

Mountains: One cannot doubt the presence of the Almighty after looking up to see that awesome sight. We may feel as though we have conquered that mountain by putting a road to the top, having an annual race, runners marathon and adaman activities, but only God can create such a masterpiece for us to only enjoy.

Journey: Until a few years ago, the gospel of Jesus Christ was ultimately my heaven-bound ticket. But after I allowed the life-changing power of the that truth to control my life, I found that living daily under his spirit my reasons for doing what I do, living the way I do, need to be ultimately controlled by His Holy Spirit. And you know what, I’m a better, nicer person.

Millennium: Not really. I found a bit of pleasure in seeing multitudes of peoples foundation shook over a man-made date. Again realizing that God controls this planet.

Healthy: No. There is too much apathy on the part of Christians and people of faith in Colorado Springs towards their fellowman.

Suitcase: Leave out doctrinal differences that repel the lost. Concentrate on listening to and then sharing with sufferings of those around you, providing them with an opportunity to experience the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.

Message: Well, we still have a lot of work to do.

From a 40-55 year old Female, sociology grad student, living in Colorado Springs
Monday, January 8, 2001 – 05:26 pm:

Area: 10 years

Background: My religious background is varied, my exposure diverse.

1901-Letters: While I haven’t read all the letters, of those I have read I enjoyed reading about Patty Stuart Jewett’s personal spiritual journey as well as Manly Ormes letter to the ministers of Colorado Springs.

Mountains: I do indeed enjoy living in the presence of the beautiful Pikes Peak range. These mountains give one the sense that they are surrounded my nature as well as the magnificence of God’s creation.

Journey: My spiritual journey has been riched and varied. While I grew up in the Catholic faith I’ve always had the desire to explore different faiths and doctrines. In the years following my 16th birthday I attended an Assembly of God church, a delightful Christian Science church and a Baptist church..

I’ve shared friendships with folks of many faiths where I have been blessed to hear about their personal religious and spiritual journeys. One of my riches spiritual journeys took place a few years ago when I was working for the Lutheran Refugee Service. You see all the volunteers were an ecumenical group of individuals with a mutually shared devine purpose which was to successfully place individuals with local families and to help them on their path towards self sufficiency. It was a delight to begin the day in shared prayer and to see by the end of the day that all the needs of the refugees were always so delightfully met. I love seeing God in action!!!

My spiritual journey continues and thus far has lead me to these core beliefs: GOD is ALL in ALL, That we never can be separated from the PRESENCE and LOVE of GOD for one divine moment. That for me Jesus is my Lord and Savior and that we must above all else Love one another.

Millennium: I began 1999 with a phone call from both my mother and sister-in-laws asking if they could come and stay with us over the Y2K change over as they were afraid too stay in the city of Chicago. Of course both my husband and I said yes.

Upon hanging up we both realized that we would now have to prepair “as if” there might be a problem.. We did our research and prepared accordingly. Four people, four months of food and other necessities. About this same time my mother in law was also of the conviction that the Lord was also going to be “coming” as well. I myself didn’t have this conviction.

Needless to say we were all delighted when the 2000 change occurred and the heat,water and electricity were all working! Yet, mom was some what depressed when the Lord didn’t show up.

The year 2001 change over was very different for me. I spent both the day before and the day after looking through pictures of family and friends, then putting them into photo albums. There were no concerns, fears or strife about any “what if’s”, just the peaceful conviction that friends and family are to always be held close and dear.

Healthy: It is hard for me to answer this question, as my spiritual relationships have been with individuals rather than with religious organizations within our community. But, if I were to answer this question with the individuals I have spiritual relationships in mind, I’d say “yes, indeed they are spiritually healthy and ready to embrace the 21st Century.

Suitcase: Religion should nix intolerance, the us vs them mentality and all the “isms”. What I’d like to see religion embrace would be more tolerance, Love, Unity and more of a sense of inclusiveness.

Message: Having been asked what I’d share with my brothers and sisters of the future, I find the most important idea concerns Love. Learn about Love, all you possibly can. Then share this Love and even though sometimes it’s hard to do … learn to receive this Love. For this is one of God’s greatest gifts.

A mid-age female who serves as a Dharma Teacher in our area
Tuesday, January 16, 2001 – 09:10 pm:

Area: Since 1986

Background: Methodist, United Protestant, Buddhist

Journey: From the age of 12 onward I was a leader in our Central United Protestant church as a Methodist. Very active in the youth group from junior high threw high school. Gave a couple of sermons while in high school and our youth group co-created a Sunday service. In college in 1970 I lived in India and studied Hinduism, (Vedanta Philosophy) practiced Transcendental Meditation and Yoga.

Beginning in 1975 I was a leader in the women’s spirituality movement and studied Neo-Pagan and Native American ways of worship. I combined these approaches with intensive Buddhist practice and study. In 1985 I lived monastically as a Buddhist nun in Sri Lanka for 4 1/2 months. I then became an ordained Buddhist teacher and minister. All of my earlier studies and practices inform my current spirituality, however my primary form and practice is Theravada Buddhism (from Southeast Asia.)

Millennium: I felt it was a hype and not in tune with any major natural cycles related to the planet.

Healthy: I do not perceive our community as spiritually healthy, far from it. I perceive our community as fragmented and dogmatic with such a high imported now resident population of right wing Christian fundamentalists, which throws a potentially balanced spritual community off course. The rigidity, judgementalness and dogmatic approaches of these type of churches goes against the grain of what Jesus taught and the way Jesus related with others in the world. I applaud the efforts of the Interfaith Council and Richard Trussell in particular to forge a more integrated integral spiritual community, one of diversity and unity. Until all faiths exhibit human dignity and respect towards one another I do not think we are ready for the 21st century.

Suitcase: Throw out dogma, fear and small mindedness. Include inclusiveness, love and respect for one another and the earth.

Message: May you guard the beauty of this place with your lives. The power of the earth is felt here, in all it’s glory, earth, air, fire and water. Do everything within your power to maintain this sacred ground, this holy place of majesty. Honor one another in love and deep respect, with regard for differences as well as similarities. Honor one another just as you honor the earth.

From a 30-something, self-employed information systems instructor
Wednesday, January 17, 2001 – 07:05 pm:

Area: 26 years, since my family moved here from California

Background: My paternal grandparents and great grandparents were missionaries (in El Salvador and Puerto Rico respectively) for the Assemblies of God, which is the church I was raised in. I am now a Southern Baptist because I find the A/G emphasis on emotionalism as improper.

1901-Letters: That while we think of their lives as calm and easy, they were just as worried about stress, the pace, and worldlyness as we are. I was also surprised by the standing that the Christian Science movement was given in the box.

Mountains: I have a job where I travel throughout the US. No matter where I end up, I find that I am disoriented without being able to see the majesty of God’s creation. Even the 2 scars on the mountains (which I hope will have been repaired by then) remind us that we cannot lightly take any change to God’s creation, because what we easily break, we are powerless to repair.

Journey: I was raised in a Christian home, and became a Christian at the age of 4 or 5. By the time I was a junior in High School (age 17) I realized that my faith had become just “fire insurance” where I knew I wasn’t going to hell, but I wasn’t living the life God had called me to. Externally I was doing everything right, but I knew better in my heart. At that point I recognized that if Jesus was to be my savior, I owed him place as Lord of my life as well. I reaffirmed my faith: Jesus was born of a virgin, literally lived a sinless life, died at the hands of the Romans due to MY sins, and proved his power to pay for my sins by rising from the dead where he was seen by hundreds of witnesses. Since then, God has led me to minister to College Students. I work a secular job full time and then work as an assistant director for the Baptist Student Union (being renamed now as Christian Challenge) at the United States Air Force Academy.

Millennium: As a computer professional, I was worried about the possibility that we had missed something important in upgrading computer systems to Y2K compatibility, but I did not in any way foresee the end of the world or our culture.

Healthy: Colorado Springs is not spiritually healthy. I don’t think there is any city in the world that is. Colorado Springs has a mixture of what are religious attitudes, without looking at the true God who created them. We also have many that are anti- any religion, but that ignore the benefits that Christianity and other religions have brought to them.

Suitcase: Religion should leave out the equivocating on what is truth and emphasize the Historical faith which is proud to be able to be unique and debate with other religions without persecuting other religions.

Message: Jesus is coming back soon, it may be 5 minutes or 500 years. But for you, it could be when an apple falls out of the sky on your head and kills you. Are you ready to meet him, or are you still thinking that you can do things on your own power?

From a 20-something male who lives in Woodland Park
Friday, January 26, 2001 – 05:21 pm:

Area: All my life.

Background: I was raised as a christian. At the age of ten I accepted Christ. After strating for a short time I realized that he is the only way to a happy, fulfilling life.

1901-Letters: I would say Mr. Taft’s questions and his decription of the city at the time. Also his optimism about the future was reassuring.

Mountains: You can meet a thousand different kinds of people by just going out for a day. People that are from all corners of the country, and have different ways of seeing the world.

Journey: To put it short it has been a narrow road uphill. But looking back I can see everything God was doing. God was making me a better person.

Millennium: I was laughing the whole time, it revealed the ignorance of society and how we truly are scared “sheep”. Today I look back and still giggle.

Healthy: We are as evenly split as the political parties of today. My opinion is that we need a true revival and a spiritual strengthening of the people within society. If we continue as we have been…I cannot guess upon the outcome of the future.

Suitcase: We need to leave out judgementalism and hatred. People need to love one another more often and to smile more often. Kindness and giving to strangers is rewarding in many ways. So I would pack kindness, giving, love, a Bible and a smile.

Message: Do not fear the future, God is in control. Love one another and have faith in Christ.

From a 40-something male, whose lived here most of his life.
Wednesday, February 28, 2001 – 02:46 pm:

Background: I have been a Unitarian Universalist all my life, but didn’t know it until I joined All Souls Unitarian Church in 1992.

Mountains: Pikes Peak is my sentinel, keeping a watchful eye over plains, mountains, sky, earth and dreams. It is the first thing I look at every morning, with the expectation of news of the day.

Journey: After a childhood in my minister father’s Disciples of Christ, I spent early adulthood in other pursuits. However, at mid-life, and missing that community connection, I searched out a church that met my needs. The Unitarian Universalist organization is important to me for its tolerance, encouragement to explore one’s path free of dogma, and dependence on one’s “inner god” – however defined, for guidance, rather than the imposed will of external (non-existant?) forces. I have come to understand that there is no being apart from our self-creation. We are One: self and other, self and earth, self and god.

Millennium: The Millenium has meant much to me. It is a marker of time, perhaps the midpoint in my life – and that brings some sadness. There is also a sense of grief for what the earth has lost in the last hundred years or so and what will surely be lost in the future. My apologies to the future for not having been able to preserve some of the best and necessary elements of our world.

Suitcase: Leave out dogma, intolerance, alliance with government. Throw in unrestricted love.

Message: Forgive us for not having taken better care of the earth.

From a 20-something public relations officer, who has lived here less than 2 years.
Wednesday, February 28, 2001 – 07:28 pm:

Background: Unitarian Universalism

1901-Letters: The hidden influence of Unitarian Universalism during the era.

Mountains: There’s a sort of luxury which is taking for granted in always being able to look to the mountains for solace.

Journey: Raised Roman Catholic. Didn’t like the narrow focus of the religion and that of other religions. I began going to a Unitarian Universalist church 2 1/2 years ago. I liked the way it is not afraid to ask questions

Millennium: It was a time to reflect about where we came from.

Healthy: No. It is too closed-minded. If we are going to be open to a more accepting society, we are headed in the wrong direction.

Suitcase: Leave out closed-mindedness. Throw in more openess.

Message: Learn from our mistakes.

From a Librarian who has lived in this area 15 years:
Wednesday, February 28, 2001 – 07:31 pm:

Background: Background: liberal protestant
Today: Unitarina Universalist

1901-Letters: Stockwell’s letter.

Mountains: Mountains have always been special to me. Every morning, as I look out my living room picture window and see the changing colors on Pikes Peak, I am reminded how incredibly beautiful the earth is and how we must take care of the land and the people who inhabit it.

Looking at the Peak gives me a sense of serenity, walking in the mountains does the same. I think the mountains give me a special sense of reference for all of life and reminds me how little and petty my worries really are.

Journey: From an early age I’ve asked a lot of questions. I went to Sunday school at a Methodist church, but the lessons never really “took.” The things that are important to me and make up my “spirituality” are things I learned from my parents, first, like respect for all people, including myself, looking on the bright side of life, reference for nature, “doing under others…,” being truthful, having integrity, striving to be the best I am capable of being.

I think my parents believed in a “God” – at least they believed in something larger than themselves, but they didn’t like organized religions. My mom was a Christian Scientist, but non-practicing for the most part. She took the positive parts of that religion and taught them to us.

For me, a God doesn’t really play any role in my life. If there is a “God” it’s something inside a person. What’s important to me is making life on earth a better place for me, my family, and all living things. Heaven and Hell are concepts that have no meaning to me outside of life in the here and now. We make our lives a heaven or hell depending on how we treat others, how we respond to the life we are given.

I am a deeply committed Unitarian Universalist. I don’t like being told what to believe or in whom to believe. My scripture is taken from the great teachings of all the world’s religions, and from poets, and philosophers, and scientists, and other great thinkers down through the ages.

I am not seeking THE truth, I seek truth, wherever it is found. If I have a mantra, it is this: Love is the doctrine I follow and Service is my prayer: that all people walk together in peace is my fervent wish.

Millennium: No, nothing more than a time to reflect on how much our world has changed in 100, 1000 years, and to wonder what life will be like 1000 years from now.

Healthy: I think we have a long way to go to understand one another. We’ve made progress since Amendment 2 days, but there is still too much division. We’re all on this cosmic liferaft together and someday we need to recognize that.

Suitcase: Leave out: exclusiveness, bigotry, closemindedness, literalism (fundamentalism in all different kinds of religions), wars (fought in the name of religion), an angry, unforgiving god

Leave in: peace, love, justice, a sense of universalism, ecumenicalism, working for the common good, a loving God (if it serves the needs of the people), the golden rule, forgiveness.

Message: We live in a world filled with so much hope and so much despair. We are wealthy, but the goods are not evenly distributed throughout the world. We are basically selfish, but there are those among us who are selfless as well. They are the people working to make this truly a better place in which to live.

Our world in 2001 has shrunk and we can no longer afford to hate each other, ignore each other, fight each other. Violence is rapant, a very distressing trend, but not new to the world. Perhaps it will always be here, or perhaps you have found a way to tap into the more benign part of human nature. I wish you well.

A 60s-something analyst writes
Thursday, March 1, 2001 – 07:06 pm:

Area: 21 years

Background: Unitarian Universalist (member of All Souls Unitarian Church)

1901-Letters: I’ve read about 25 of the Century Box letters including most of the ‘religious letters’. The most meaningful letter was that of Mr. Francis B. Hill, Secretary of the El Paso County Humane Society. Mr. Hill articulated a keen awareness of the connectedness of all humans and animals. He said “…there is but one life. The animals therefore are our own kin, one blood, one flesh- children of the one Father as much as we.” He went on to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all persons saying “… we extend our protection to every living creature”. No person (child, woman, the elderly) was too insignificant as to be unworthy of assistance from the Humane Society for the citizens of 1901. The actions and beliefs (although) not expressed in formal religious terms spoke volumes about the nature of his faith and the efforts of the citizens of 1901 to take action to implement those beliefs. Mr. Hill was, as you might expect, a founding member of All Souls Uni!
tarian Church.

Mountains: Mountains have long been a symbol for seeking spiritual truth. We ‘lift up our eyes’ to the mountains and receive inspiration but we live in the city and do our ‘spiritual and practical’ work here.

Journey: I’m writing this because I hope that you will include my thoughts in the Century Chest to be opened in 2101. What was missing from the 1901 Chest (and very likely to be missing from the 2101 Chest) is the view point of an ordinary person. We heard from the prominent citizens proud of their city and their institutions full of grandure but nothing from the average person living their lives as we are today and as most of the citizens of 2101 will be then.

My spiritual journey is ‘part-time’, eclectic and idiosyncratic. It is ‘part time’ because I work full time for a living and only a modest amount of time left over for my ‘spiritual practice’. It is eclectic because I take from many traditions (as a universalist). It is idiosyncratic because I do what fits my psyche best. What has been most meaningful to me is the Spirituality of Jungian Psychology. I do Active Imagination several times a week to dialogue with my inner parts (including the not so desirable portions and the ‘Spiritual center’ (that others would call GOD). It is based on the tradition of the Mystics, the Gnostics and the Alchemists of the Middle ages. I find this practice immensely rewarding I recommend Jeff Raff’s book Jund and the Alchemical Imagination.

But my journey is nothing special and always a challenge, it’s with me some times and leaves me at other times. It’s not easy but is very rewarding.

Suitcase: Leave out arrogance and dogma and include humility and compassion for others.

Message: I would say three things;

1. Greetings to my Son Ken in his 125th year because at the rate that the advances in medical science are progressing (genetics and reproduction of body parts) I would expect that 125 is not an uncommon age (he is 25 this year).

2. “If you are about to burn this letter for kindling, stop and read it first!” I say this because in the last 100 years we have developed great destructive power and it could well be unleashed with dire consequences before the turn of the next century.

3. Remember that although we could not speak with you in person, we thought of you. My second wife and I have not been able to have children and you are our ‘progeny’. We create you every day in the way that we create a little bit better community in countless ways; small kindnesses to others, a helpful lesson to a student, teaching the neighbor child to love gardening, a bit of counseling to a distraught friend. We do this to create a better society by improvind the lot and capabilities (including spiritual) of our fellow citizens so that your lives can be more rich and rewarding than even ours were. You are the manifestation of our aspirations and we hope that you will think of those yet to come as we have thought of you.

A 50s something therapist writes:
Thursday, March 1, 2001 – 07:08 pm:

Area: 17 yrs

Background: Unitarian/Universalist

1901-Letters: These people sounded much like the people I converse with every day. The human condition is more less mutable or more consistent than we think.

Mountains: Before me Beauty, Behind me Beauty, etc. I can not concieve of living away from the mountain southwest. The mountains nourish my soul.

Journey: Reared and Baptised in the Church of Christ. Not the United version but the ol time religion, Hell Fire and Brimstone Calvinist version. Left that early and without formal religious affiliation till children came along. Now belong to the Unitarian Universalist All Souls church. My search has covered most brands of religious inquiry but I have never “belonged” anywhere. My heart is still Christian. My mind and much of my spirit is Bhuddist. I “know” now, their are no absolute answers. The moment one “knows” the way, he has lost his way. There is only the journey, and that, with Love, is enough.

Millennium: Another date on the calender with no real significance. Much of the reaction we saw was a manifestation of the hysteria of frightened, anxious, and largely lost souls.

Healthy: No. The society at large has sold it’s soul to acquire a larger house, a newer car, a bigger stereo, more money in the bank – whatever any multinational corporation has determined we need to need. People feel lost, frightened, alone and vulnerable – because they are all those things. The extended family has collapsed and nuclear families don’t have the values necessary to withstand the emotional onslaught their social isolation brings. We talk alot about religion but most religion serves only the purpose of “fire insurance” or the avoidance of Hell, or to provide social contact and context. The city like the nation and the world is comprised of so many disparate and conflicting views and values that spiritual integration and peace has meaning only for the individual.

Suitcase: Leave out Dogma, Hate, vindicativeness, anger, judgemental attitudes, closed mindedness, militant fundamentalism. If we as a society can’t escape those demons we will wind up much like Ireland or the Middle East where fundamental dominance lead inevitably to militancy and violence.

Message: If you are still fully human and have not allowed the blandishments of medical, genetic and nano technologies and lord knows what other “advances” to tempt you into remaking yourselves: have most of you learned how to follow the teachings of every major spiritual teacher who has ever lived? Do you yet know how to love and care for one another. Have you learned yet to cherish ad care for your Mother the Earth. Have you yet learned to honor the gift of your existence by living with love, dignity, honor and intelligence. Are you still able to chant, Before me Beauty, Behind me…..without crying for your losses. I hope the answer to these questions is a resounding ,”YES!!!”. If not I hope that you can at least say,”We are still trying, we are making progress, we are after all only Human”.

From a 20s-something male in the U.K. that describes his background as a “Trans humanist”.
Wednesday, August 29, 2001 – 11:02 am:

The sentiment of innocence and love expressed through honest devotion to an uncertain belief. I wonder if Arthur N Taft could have believed that a man would one day walk on the moon? That led me to think of the glory and the horror of mankind – his beautiful dreams and his horrible nightmares.

Uncertain – but I think that most Americans are blessed to live in a country so rich in abundance.

I’ve realised that we are all as one. God, this universe; call it what you may – we’re all involved in something quite extraordinary. Jesus was a man who had lived many life times and achieved a state of ‘enlightenment’ through his devotion to others. He was the first human soul to acquire perfection through sacrifice. One day we’ll all follow his example – but the journey starts with the individual. All you have to do is realise that there is only one consciousness in the universe – you, God, them – all are as one. One mind staring through a trillion trillion lenses.

I thought it was significant until I realised the great errors and fundamental flaws of humanity. Though our technology has changed much, we still seem far distant from the truth of our lives.

No. We must realise that the ‘spirit’ is eternal and the material is transient. We’ve also got to wake up from the malaise of organised religion. Spirituality has to grow within oneself – it cannot be forced. No more congregations, no more mass – no more talk of this resurrection. We’re all lenses of God. The kingdom dwells within you and all around you.

Congregations, robes, popes, mullahs, mosques, churches. Life is the true religion. Breath is worship. Experience brings salvation. Sitting in a church with a hundred others, singing choral hymns is only the first wrung on the ladder. We have to see with better eyes. The best way to worship god is to smile and greet your neighbor every morning. Express patience and virtue and never let anger crowd your judgement.

God is alive in the smile of strangers. Worship without walls. Use imagination as a tool of communication and beware of anyone who purports to command a flock!

Hello. My name is Christopher. I hope you are free now in ways that I never was or could never be. I hope you have quantum computers, interstellar travel – colonies on the moon, Mars and can float amidst the clouds of Jupiter; I hope that you have grown up to become the children that I have so longed for – intelligent, inquisitive and compassionate. I hope that you have grown out of war and despair and the other things that drain your hope. I wish you happiness in your explorations, for you are at the dawn of creation. Before you lies the galaxy. Let compassion and wonder be your truth and go forth from this Earth to claim your inheritance. You have each other, so live the human dream.

Dr. Jay Gary is president of, a foresight consulting group. Over the past twenty years Jay has helped non-profits, foundations, civic leaders, and strategic alliances to create more promise filled futures. He also teaches strategic foresight, innovation and leadership at the graduate level and through professional development courses.

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