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Christianity as a Global Threat?

by Jay Gary, Dec 3, 2007

After 9/11 there was alot of talk about the threat of radical Islam, but recently, the subject in America has moved to the threat of right-wing Christianity. In this blog post, emergent church leader Brian McLaren addresses this threat, and talks about how his latest book reveals a growing undercurrent of dissent among Christians to one-sided faith.

I met McLaren some four years ago. I invited him to come and conduct a doctoral residency with me at Regent in 2004. I consider him a self-reflective and bellweather voice for a mature Evangelicalism. Take a look at his blog on this subject of Christianity as a global threat, and pick up his book, Everything Must Change

I have his book on my Christmas list, and have read advance review selections already. Similar to how I approach my Global Futures courses, he considers how faith has failed to connect to the great human needs of our time. He then addresses how a vision of the kingdom, as understood by Jesus, in his context, can help religion today overcome its internal contradictions.

This is a first rate read by an authentic voice. It may well be the best book on the future of Christianity to be published in 2007, and will turn heads, both within and beyond church walls, for years to come .


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