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A Chronology of Student Ministry

This chronology documents the depth and breadth of how the Spirit of God has raised up a new generation in world evangelization throughout history. The focus is on student evangelism, university history, and the mobilization of youth. This chronology was created to allow the reader to 1) identify specific reference events which gave birth to whole new chapters of student ministry history; 2) observe various generational emergence patterns behind youth awakenings in history.

From 1986 to 1988 I developed a chronology of student ministry, spanning back some 4,000 years. It is still a work in progress, with some 900 entries in it. I project that once it grows to 6,000 entries, it will be publishable. Here is a summary of the project. If you are interested in assisting in the development of this knowledge ministry tool, please contact me.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it.” This statement is carved in granite on the cornerstone of the Prudential Bldg., in Chicago, Illinois. We should engrave it on hearts as well if we want to insure that a new generation will follow us into the future.

Within a few years, humankind will enter the Third Christian Millennium. The university world is about to enter its second millennium. In what way throughout history has the Gospel sparked, uplifted, and transformed the emerging generation, particularly members of the university community?

We are what we think–also, we are what we remember. How we think about who we are and where we have come from, will determine how we will work with God to prepare a new generation to enter a new century. Here is where a chronology helps us ponder time markers as we stand on the threshold of a new era. They do not replace history, rather, they present us with a very compact, condensed form.

This chronology documents the depth and breadth of how the Spirit of God has raised up a new generation in world evangelization throughout history. The particular focus is on student evangelism, university history, and the mobilization of youth. This chronology was created to allow the reader to 1) identify specific reference events which gave birth to whole new chapters of student ministry history; 2) observe various generational emergence patterns behind youth awakenings in history.

In creating this chronology, every attempt was made to take a global view of student ministry, and thus see this subject in full context–geographically, historically, and confessionally. Not only does this chronology list the breakthroughs in student ministry, but it documents the set-backs as well through the ages.

Included in this chronology, but not limited to this list, you will find:

* God’s intention for youth in His plan for the world.
* Significant student ministries and the personalities who led them.
* Founding dates of key colleges and universities.
* Milestones of student activism in global causes.
* Political revolutions spearheaded by students.
* Famous field missionaries who got their call in college.
* Notable books and research studies on student ministry.
* Famous world leaders, who once were international students, and were converted away from home.
* World congress and consultations on youth/students.

THE CHRONOLOGY COVERS SOME 16 DEMARKED PERIODS OF STUDENT MINISTRY, unfolding some 4,000 years ago. The periods, under which chronological items are grouped, are as follows:

* The Unfolding Role of Youth in God’s Plan
* The Rise of Greek Academies
* The Revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God
* The Rise of Monastic Schools
* The Rise of Cathedral Schools
* The Rise of Medieval Universities
* The Rise of Modern Universities
* The Rise of Student Religious Societies
* The Student Awakenings of 1800
* The Student Christian Movement Emerges
* The Student Awakenings of 1900
* The Pentecostal Bible College Movement Emerges
* The University Pastor Movement Emerges
* The Evangelical Student Ministries Organize
* The Short-term Mission Movement Begins
* The Postmodern Age of Collegiant Ministry Begins

HERE IS A SUMMARY BIBLIOGRAPHY of 10 books, representive of the 400 books on which this chronology has been built:

Barrett, David B. Cosmos, Chaos, and Gospel: A Chronology of World Evangelization from Creation to New Creation. Birmingham, AL: New Hope, 1987. AD 2000 Series. 105 pages.

Cuninggim, Merrimom. The College Seeks Religion. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947.

Erich, Walter A. Religion and the State University. Ann Arbor, Univ of Michigan Press, 1958. 321 pages.

Grunn, Bernard. The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1975. 661 pages.

Lowman, Pete. The Day of His Power: A history of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1983. 376 pages.

Moberly, Walter Sir. The Crisis in the University, London: SCM Press, 1949. pp. 316.

Morgan, William H. Student Religion During Fifty Years: Programs and Policies of the Intercollegiate Y.M.C.A. New York: Association Press, 1935. 233 pages.

Rabe, Valentin H. The Home Base of American China Missions 1880-1920. Harvard University Press, 1978. 299 pages.

Scaff, Marilee, editor. Perspectives on a College Church. New York: Association Press, 1961. pp. 239.

Shockley, Donald G. Campus Ministry: The Church Beyond Itself. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989. 130 pages.

Shedd, Clarence P. Two Centuries of Student Christian Movements: Their Origin and Intercollegiate Life. New York: Association Press, 1934. 466 pages.

van der Bent, Ans J. From Generation to Generation: The Story of Youth in the World Council Churches. WCC, Geneva, Switzerland,1986. 136 pages.

Walsh, Chad. Campus Gods on Trial, New York: Macmillan. 1953. pp. 138.

Dr. Jay Gary is president of, a foresight consulting group. Over the past twenty years he has helped non-profits, foundations, civic leaders, and strategic alliances to create more promise filled futures. He also teaches strategic foresight, innovation and leadership at the graduate level and through professional development courses.

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