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The Future of Business as Mission

Is Christian ministry responsible for the direction of the 21st century? Can it influence Big Business and Brother Government toward a great transition to sustainability? […]

The Pattern of Biblical Transformation

Dr Jay Gary describes the pattern of biblical transformation that God uses to across creation and history, business and careers. […]

BAM gets a breakthrough textbook

Neal Johnson’s new book, Business as Mission (2009), will certainly become the default textbook among Evangelicals for marketplace missions, but it should be supplemented with other texts that address energy overuse, consumerism and sustainable business development, among the ‘base of the pyramid.’ […]

Behold, I Will Do a New Thing!

Imagine. Aspire. Dream. Envision. If you once soared like an eagle, but now find you crawl more like a snail, catch these musing by Jay Gary on how to draw strength from above. With humor and self-depreciation, he reflects on Isaiah 43:18, where God says, ‘I am about to do a new thing.’ […]

Welcome to the Hybrid Age of Reading

by Mark Warner, May 2013

For hundreds of years printed books were the only source of reading. However today we are in the midst of a mixed format transition where consumers enjoy both print and digital books. The baseline future for reading sees authors, publishers, booksellers, and readers continuing to thrive. Technological development, social interaction, […]

A Christian Executive in 2035. . . A Peek into the Future

by Dr. Merlin Switzer , Jul 27, 2009

Fear grows in darkness; if you think there’s a bogeyman around, turn on the light. –Dorothy Thompson

When was the last time you pondered what life would be like in the future? What will your job be like? What will life be like for your children? Many […]

Creating the Future of Faith

The global church desperately needs to develop a biblical theology of the future that goes beyond the impasse of apocalypticism or progressivism. Foresight offers a path forward. […]

The Future of Faith FAQ

by Dr Jay Gary

For 2,000 years faith has been built on constants, can it now be built on change?

Christian Futures Network Version 1.8 — 26 April 2013

Keywords: future of faith, research, creativity, change, forecasting, spirituality, creativity, millennialism, theology, culture, leadership, strategic foresight, development, emergent leaders, science and theology

1. What […]

Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

What causes someone to think about tomorrow’s possibilities, rather than yesterday’s shadows? In this 2003 essay, Dr. Jay Gary shares his story of how he set out to serve the purposes of God in this generation, only to learn that the task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. […]

Faith 20/20 Formation Scenarios

by staff, July 5, 2010

What will Christian faith formation in churches look like in 2020? Can we begin now to envision the shape of faith formation in the year 2020? Can we prepare our churches for the future of faith formation? This new decade will demand new thinking and new models, practices, resources, and […]