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DVD–Mapping Transformation




by Gus Jaccaci

How does the universe bring about growth and change in nature? How can Creation’s wisdom be used to renew your life, discover new breakthrough domains for your business, and chart an ideal future of your community? This 7-part DVD series presents the universal dynamics of growth that are universally applicable. This series can be viewed individually on your computer or by small groups on a DVD player. It is perfect for any team, at work, school or ministry, that is focusing on innovation and creativity.

The Mapping Transformation series features the Metamatrix®–a new futures mapping methodology that reveals:

  • how nature’s creative dynamic follows universal patterns of growth
  • how a visual thinking matrix can chart corporate and community transformation.
  • how to anticipate a market shift within your “brand” toward services and values.
  • how creativity and collaboration can take us beyond the breakdown of competition.

The Mapping Transformation Through the Metamatrix® series reveals the order that underlies the growth and decline intrinsic to everything within the cosmos. You’ll gain a step by step understanding of how to create a map based on this essential order, and avoid the inevitable decline by designing the most rewarding, life-promoting and transformative future for your organization.

Mapping TransformationGus Jaccaci, the creator of the Metamatrix®, has spent his life unraveling complexity in nature and making it’s invisible patterns visible. Through a combination of science and artistry, he has created a picture of this order that is graceful and simple, yet powerful and robust. Jaccaci’s personal teaching style, comfortable pace, and user-friendly approach will have you using his ideas and tools in your life and work immediately. Each DVD order is packaged with the e-book, CE0, Chief Evolutionary Officer: Leaders Mapping the Future.

Gus JaccaciAbout the Author: Gus Jaccacci is president of Nature Planning Network, and lives near Portland, Maine. He is the co-author of CE0, Chief Evolutionary Officer: Leaders Mapping the Future (1999) and author of General Periodicity: Nature’s Creative Dynamics (2000). Jaccaci talks to audiences about nature’s patterns of growth and transformation and now these patterns can be applied to the successful evolution of any business or human venture. He is an alumni of Harvard University and also has a Master of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design. His clients have included: Motorola, Fannie Mae, Pillsbury, AT&T, P.W. Minor, Micrometer, Chase Manhattan Bank, J.C. Penney, Polaroid, Arthur Anderson, Xerox, and Volunteer Hospital Association of America; in Canada, Toronto Dominion Bank and Northern Telecom; and in Europe, IMD, Credit Suisse, and British Petroleum.

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DVD Sessions

Format: 3-Set DVD, NTSC (Bimillennial Press, 2006), ISBN: 0-9740830-9-7, plus 189 pp. book, ISBN: 0-7506-7138-6

  • Nature’s Simplest Mappings
  • Discovering the Dynamics of Growth
  • Transformative Thinking
  • Discovery of General Periodicity
  • Working with the Metamatrix®
  • A New Icon for the New Millennium
  • Social Architecture & Your Leadership

Read the essay, “The Pattern of Biblical Transformation” by Jay Gary, that builds on Jaccaci’s Metamatrix®

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