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Sweet Keynotes Foresight 2005

by staff writer, Sep 26, 2005


Leonard Sweet set the tone at Foresight 2005.

Regent Hosted 3rd Annual Futures Conference

Drawing on the Starbucks experience of “living life more musically,” Dr. Leonard Sweet, author of Aqua Church and America’s premier Christian futurist, told 75 participants that “the world takes the church’s best lines,” only because “the church doesn’t know they have them.”

From September 22-24th, 2005, Regent University’s School of Leadership Studies sponsored Foresight 2005, the third annual futures conference for Christian leaders at the Founders Inn and Conference Center, in Virginia Beach, VA.

Sweet spoke on the theme of “Navigating the Future” eight times. Designed for both workplace and ministry leaders, Foresight 2005 integrated biblical principles into strategic thinking for a fresh approach to tackling organizational challenges and uncertainties.


Foresight 2005 featured speakers (from L to R), McEuen, Sweet, Johnson, Gary, Schultz, and Winston.

Dr. Wendy Schultz, futures professor and consultant from Oxford, England, shared with participants how to scan the horizon and create alternative scenarios to cut through the fog of uncertainty. Other speakers included Dr. Todd Johnson, co-editor the World Christian Encyclopedia, Mary Beth McEuen, Vice President of Maritz, of St. Louis, Dr. Stacie Morgan, of Balanced Management, and Dr. Bruce Winston, dean of Regent’s School of Leadership Studies.

The conference culminated before lunch on Saturday the 24th, with graduate student presentation of future scenarios in heath care, higher education, hispanic consumers and the future of the church.

Foresight 2005 was preceded by a pre-conference workshop by Jay Gary on Thursday September 22nd, 2005 “Future-Proof Your Ministry,” attended by 35 participants. Proceedings of the Foresight conference series, launched in 2003, maybe found online at Regent, particularly speaker essays. All conference materials, including speaker handouts and powerpoints were accessed online during the conference through wireless internet.

The School of Leadership Studies is one of nine graduate schools within Regent University, located in Virginia Beach, Va. Offering fully-accredited master’s and doctoral degrees in a flexible online format, the School provides rigorous and innovative academic programs to accommodate working professionals. For more information, visit

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