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The Millennium Bug in World Missions

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1999

It’s midnight millennium, Time to bury the past, Midnight millennium We’re going to have a blast. Midnight millennium, Three zeros all around. Midnight millennium, My computer’s gone down. (c) by George Heiner

With a crazy mix of doomsday dread and glib party wonder, a recent music CD by George […]

The World by 2000: what’s the true score?

As the close of this century approaches, people are already wondering what will happen. Some speculate the world may not last that long, others are stepping up their efforts to evangelize the world […] […]

Questions from the Watchword Consultation

by Jay Gary, Mar 14, 1999

Here are questions the program committee asked as it prepared for “The Watchword in World Missions” consultation, Colorado Springs, March 15-16, 1999. We welcome your feedback.


1. Since 1975, what contribution has the unreached peoples concept made to world missions? What other concepts […]

The Crisis of 1900 and Today

by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, Mar 1, 1999

“I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said to me, ‘Moody, save all you can.’” -D.L. Moody

This well-known remark by one of the greatest evangelists in the history of Christianity typified a burgeoning movement to evangelize the […]