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Is Evangelism Religious Abuse?

by Jay Gary, PhD, Jun 9, 2005

If the Washington Post has their Woodward and Berstein who uncovered Watergate, the Colorado Springs Gazette has Pam Zubeck. For the past two years she has been on the weekly beat of uncovering leadership failures at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Her coverage of the military’s initial reticence […]

Missional Church– Minimal Thinking?

by Dr. Jay Gary, Apr 3, 2006

Is the Missional church paradigm inadvertantly breeding minimal thinking? I just got back from Santa Fe, NM, where I attended the 4th annual gathering of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF). I’ve been a founding member of APF since 2002, but hadn’t attended one of their annual gatherings […]

Paradise Now–A Call to Peace

by Jay Gary, Jun 21, 2006

I just watched Paradise Now–a Academy Award nominee for the best foreign language film of 2005. It was riveting. It is the story of two best friends, Kahled and Said, who live in Nablus, West Bank. As Palestinians, they struggle against the occupation, and the humilitation. Paradise Now is […]