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The Scoundrel's Guide to Scandal

by Dr. Jay Gary

This speech, “Framing Christian Futuring,” was given to Bacone College at their 2007 Presidential Leadership Summit.

I would like to spin a story for you about scandal, corruption, crime, and perjury–of wickedness in high places. No, I am not thinking about Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, Bernard Ebbers, Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzalez, […]

Creating the Future of Faith

The global church desperately needs to develop a biblical theology of the future that goes beyond the impasse of apocalypticism or progressivism. Foresight offers a path forward. […]

The Focus of Christian Futures

by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, Aug 25, 1998

The purpose of the Christian Futures Network (CFN) is to promote dialogue, strategy, collaboration, scholarship, and clear thinking among Christians on the subject of the future. This collaboration has the following characteristics:

Christian Participants are Christians, defined as “one who believes in, or professes or confesses Jesus […]

Exploring Christian Futures

by Dr Jay Gary, Nov 4, 2002

Recently I took a journey up Pikes Peak, American’s mountain of inspiration. Situated where the western plains meet the Rocky Mountains, it was here that Kathryn Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” An Aussie friend had come to see Colorado Springs for the first time, and I was […]

Christian Futures Bulletin

by Dr. Jay Gary

“helping Christian leaders rethink the future”

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BECOME A STRATEGIC TEAM WITH JAY GARY

Recently I sat down with executives from one of America’s top Christian ministries. They have a great legacy of leadership training, with hundreds of staff in the U.S. and around the world. While they do strategic planning […]

New Titles at Christian Futures

Dec 15, 2005

Christian Futures has published two new unique titles recently in its Bookstore. Check out our e-books, CD-Roms and DVD training that represent the best of futures thinking. E-books purchased can be downloaded within minutes, other products are shipped. [ Visit Link ]

Changes in Mission, Dec 8th, 2006

by EMS, Dec 9, 2006

a 7-hour Forum for Christian leaders Friday, Dec. 8, 2006 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

in 3 locations, Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs. Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiological Society

Click Here to Register

Christian ministry faces a changing landscape in our time, including globalization, wealth gaps, failing social […]

Swiss Future Time

by Dr Jay Gary, April 2, 2007

In the Swiss media, whether in print or TV, Dr. Andreas M. Walker is establishing a reputation as a leading futurist, who deals emerging challenges from biotechnology and value-based issues. As a Christian futurist, Dr. Andreas M. Walker walks between two worlds of religious eschatology and human futurology. […]

Evangelicals Behaving Badly with Statistics

by Christian Smith, PhD, Jan 1, 2007

The ad read, “current trends show that only 4 percent will be evangelical believers by the time they become adults….unless we act now, U.S. Christianity will be dead in ten years?” The only problem was, there was no statistical truth in the claim. Dr. Christian Smith asks, “Why […]

My Journey into the Future

In September of 2005, ChristianFutures hosted Dr. Todd Johnson, co-editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia on campus at Regent University, for Foresight 2005–the third annual futures conference for Christian leaders. This essay by Johnson was circulated to participants beforehand. […]