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by Dr. Jay Gary
Greetings and welcome to the Christian Futures Network.
As the third millennium begins, we are looking to the resurrected Christ for insight and wisdom to help renew and lead the church into the future. Despite the apocalyptic anxiety of so many followers of Jesus, I believe we have embarked upon a […]
Dr Jay Gary describes the pattern of biblical transformation that God uses to across creation and history, business and careers. […]
by staff writer, Apr 1, 2007
In today’s hectic world, not everyone is able to attend live training sessions, but now the Future-Proof Your Ministry workshop can come to you, via our live web-cam format. All you need is an internet connection, a PC computer, a microphone, and the vision to take […]
by Jay Gary, PhD, Jun 9, 2005
If the Washington Post has their Woodward and Berstein who uncovered Watergate, the Colorado Springs Gazette has Pam Zubeck. For the past two years she has been on the weekly beat of uncovering leadership failures at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Her coverage of the military’s initial reticence […]
Dr. John Stackhouse explains why a Campus Ministry ought to fulfill a larger cultural mission by engaging the university mid-way between the Church and the University. […]
by Dr. Jay Gary, Jan 6, 2009
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:44-46
What is the future of world missions, given the permanent white water of […]
by staff writer, Sep 10, 2003
Since the work of Thomas Kuhn, it has become increasingly common to talk about paradigm change in science. But how does this apply to theology? How has faith’s view of the future been shaped by large-scale paradigm change in society? Is eschatology still relevant, or are we barking up […]
by Jay Gary, Jan 24, 2007
A while back I presented a paper to the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiology Society on April 21, 2005, entitled, “The Future of Business as Mission: An Inquiry into Macro-Strategy.” The abstract is:
Recently ‘Business as Mission’ has emerged as a world evangelization strategy. It operates at the micro-level of […]
by Jay Gary, Feb 15, 2000
Here are five steps you can take to develop a forward view your life and ministry:
Approach the new century in faith Track the trends that will shape the next three decades Identify alternative scenarios facing your region Envision all that the church could be in your society Develop […]