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by Dr. Merlin Switzer , Jul 27, 2009
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there’s a bogeyman around, turn on the light. –Dorothy Thompson
When was the last time you pondered what life would be like in the future? What will your job be like? What will life be like for your children? Many […]
Dr. Jay Gary shares what a new eschatology might offer to the church of tomorrow in its work of rebuilding humanity’s future. […]
by Dr Jay Gary, Nov 4, 2002
Recently I took a journey up Pikes Peak, American’s mountain of inspiration. Situated where the western plains meet the Rocky Mountains, it was here that Kathryn Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” An Aussie friend had come to see Colorado Springs for the first time, and I was […]
by Jay Gary, PhD, Feb 9, 2010
Today is the release date for Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity. Yesterday I purchased a ‘kindle’ copy and it showed up right on schedule this morning. I did a quick browse through this past hour–I will give it much more attention and study.
But right away […]
Nov. 2, 2002
Futurist Tom Sine hosted the first Mustard Seed Associates conference January 17-18, 2003, in Seattle, for those looking for the creative edge of what God is doing. [ Visit Link ]
Philip Jenkins, the author of “The Next Christianity” in the October Atlantic Monthly, argues that most Americans and Europeans are blind to one of the most important shifts of the twentieth century – the explosive growth of Christianity in the Southern Hemisphere. [ Visit Link ]
by Steve Raimo, Aug 5, 2008
In 1998, George Barna, Christian pollster and sociologist, predicted the emergence of the cyber-church in the early years of the 21st century. He envisioned congregations of millions that will never travel physically to a building but will instead roam the internet in search of meaningful spiritual experiences. Barna concluded […]
by Howard A. Snyder & Daniel V. Aunyon, Apr 15, 1987
Remember Megatrends (1982) and Megatrends 2000 (1990) by pop futurist John Naisbitt? Well Howard Synder, first known for his work on Radical Renewal: The Problem of Wineskins, (1975), wrote a noteworthy book on Christian futures back in 1986, entitled:
Foresight: 10 Major Trends that […]
by Jay Gary, Mar 14, 1999
Here are questions the program committee asked as it prepared for “The Watchword in World Missions” consultation, Colorado Springs, March 15-16, 1999. We welcome your feedback.
1. Since 1975, what contribution has the unreached peoples concept made to world missions? What other concepts […]
by Jay Gary, Feb 15, 2000
Here are five steps you can take to develop a forward view your life and ministry:
Approach the new century in faith Track the trends that will shape the next three decades Identify alternative scenarios facing your region Envision all that the church could be in your society Develop […]