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Evangelicals Face the Future

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1978

In early 1977, Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. Hudson Armerding and Dr. Donald Hoke, director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College gathered a group of twenty leaders together to consider the future of the church and evangelicalism in the last 23 years of 20th century.

Hoke claims […]

Does the Future Have a Church?

Nov. 2, 2002

Futurist Tom Sine hosted the first Mustard Seed Associates conference January 17-18, 2003, in Seattle, for those looking for the creative edge of what God is doing. [ Visit Link ]

McKaughan Speaks on Vision & Conflict

by Jay Gary, Jun 28, 2006

World missions is in transition today, and must reconnect with both the aspirational vision of God, revealed in the Scripture, and to new cultures and generations. So claimed Paul McKaughan in an after-dinner speech to twenty mission leaders in Colorado Springs.

Hosted by Christian Futures and the Rocky Mountain […]

The World by 2000: what’s the true score?

As the close of this century approaches, people are already wondering what will happen. Some speculate the world may not last that long, others are stepping up their efforts to evangelize the world […] […]

Will the Future Shape Theological Education?

by David Funk, PhD, Oct 31, 2008

“Foresight is the ‘lead’ that the leader has,” wrote Robert K. Greenleaf in his seminal work, The Servant as Leader. “Once leaders lose this lead and events start to force their hand, they are leaders in name only” (1977/2002, p. 40). This statement captures the importance of foresight […]

Evangelicals Behaving Badly with Statistics

by Christian Smith, PhD, Jan 1, 2007

The ad read, “current trends show that only 4 percent will be evangelical believers by the time they become adults….unless we act now, U.S. Christianity will be dead in ten years?” The only problem was, there was no statistical truth in the claim. Dr. Christian Smith asks, “Why […]