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The Genesis of the Third Millennium

This was third of three addresses Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16-18, 1990 at the ‘Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization’ in Indianapolis. […]

AD 2000: Passing Fad or Enduring Movement?

World evangelization at the kickoff of a new decade? What is the AD 2000 movement really? Where is it headed? Jay Gary offered an editorial on the eve of the Lausanne II Congress. […]

AD 2000 Gets a Millennial Check-Up

It was long overdue, but the track movement called “AD 2000 & Beyond,” finally kept their scheduled appointment for a mid-decadal check-up, May 17-25, 1995 in Seoul, Korea, writes, Jay Gary. […]

Transforming Mission Workshop

by EMS, Sep 10, 2005

a five-hour workshop for Christian leaders with Dr. Stan Nussbaum

Friday, Dec. 16, 2005

9:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Penrose House, behind the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sponsored by the Rocky Mtn. Evangelical Missiological Society

David Bosch’s Transforming Mission (1991) is acknowledged as the leading book in mission […]

The World by 2000: what’s the true score?

As the close of this century approaches, people are already wondering what will happen. Some speculate the world may not last that long, others are stepping up their efforts to evangelize the world […] […]

The Future of Business as Mission

by Jay Gary, Jan 24, 2007

A while back I presented a paper to the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiology Society on April 21, 2005, entitled, “The Future of Business as Mission: An Inquiry into Macro-Strategy.” The abstract is:

Recently ‘Business as Mission’ has emerged as a world evangelization strategy. It operates at the micro-level of […]

Questions from the Watchword Consultation

by Jay Gary, Mar 14, 1999

Here are questions the program committee asked as it prepared for “The Watchword in World Missions” consultation, Colorado Springs, March 15-16, 1999. We welcome your feedback.


1. Since 1975, what contribution has the unreached peoples concept made to world missions? What other concepts […]

The Watchword Report: What Mean These Stones?

by Jay Gary and Todd Johnson, Mar 15, 1999

The book of Joshua recounts how a new generation, after reaching the west bank of the Jordan, set up twelve stones at Gilgal (Joshua 4:20-21) to provoke future generations to ask, “What do these stones mean?” The Watchword in World Missions consultation, likewise, was an […]

Forecasting the Future in World Mission

by Dr. David B. Barrett, Oct 15, 1987

In this paper, world-renown mission specialist David Barrett brings the work of futures research to bear on future planning for Christian mission, raising important questions for how mission agencies make their projections for the future. He also raises challenges for missiologists about how they approach the future.
