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Transforming Mission Workshop

by EMS, Sep 10, 2005

a five-hour workshop for Christian leaders with Dr. Stan Nussbaum

Friday, Dec. 16, 2005

9:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Penrose House, behind the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sponsored by the Rocky Mtn. Evangelical Missiological Society

David Bosch’s Transforming Mission (1991) is acknowledged as the leading book in mission […]

Is Your Ministry Ready for the Future?

by Dr. Jay Gary, May 6, 2003

CHRISTIAN FUTURES Consultation Is Ministry Ready for the Future?” July 20-21, 2003 San Francisco Hyatt Regency at Embarcadero Center How can our ministries and faith communities develop leaders that have a fluency with a changing and complex future?

This day and a half consultation examined current theory and […]

Futurist Profiles Houston Changes

by Jay Gary, Feb 14, 2008

Josh Ellis keeps track of what is invisible to Houston: their changing ethnic make-up. Ellis is among a new breed of religious demographers who are trained as a professional futurist with an M.S. in Futures Studies.

While most church growth statistics are collected and managed nationally or globally, Ellis […]

The Ministry Futures Report

by Jay Gary, Jul 22, 2003

How can our ministries develop leaders that have fluency with a changing and complex future?

Thirteen Christian leaders gathered in San Francisco on July 20-21, 2003 to examine how to raise up leaders of vision, creativity and foresight, through both formal and informal training. The participants represented theological think-tanks, […]