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Can Archaeology Uncover Eschatology?

Can archaeology aid exegesis in understanding the Last Days as a historical epoch, A.D. 30 – 70? Can the stones speak to us today, as well as the text? Do material remains, in addition to scribal reflections, witness to the End of the Age? […]

Eschatology and the Future of the Church

Dr. Jay Gary shares what a new eschatology might offer to the church of tomorrow in its work of rebuilding humanity’s future. […]

The Power of AD 2000 Mega-Images

In 1993 I gave an address to the Adopt-a-People national conference, unpacking the wealth of imagery found in the A.D. 2000 storehouse. This speech later was revised and appeared in The Star of 2000. […]

The March of the Millennium

The 20th century witnessed some great marches, claims Jay Gary. Yet these marches pale in comparison to the true and greater march led by Jesus. As a greater Moses, Jesus is leading a greater exodus as we cross into the third millennium. It should rightfully be called, the “March of the Millennium.” […]

The World by 2000: what’s the true score?

As the close of this century approaches, people are already wondering what will happen. Some speculate the world may not last that long, others are stepping up their efforts to evangelize the world […] […]