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Strategic Foresight: Look to the Future to Plan Today

by Dr Jay Gary, June 15, 2010

Recently the president of a Christian university was asked, “Where is Christian Higher Education going over the next 15 years?” Without skipping a beat, he replied, “I don’t know — but that’s what keeps me up at night!” The president then added, “I know one thing. It will […]

Evangelicals Face the Future

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1978

In early 1977, Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. Hudson Armerding and Dr. Donald Hoke, director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College gathered a group of twenty leaders together to consider the future of the church and evangelicalism in the last 23 years of 20th century.

Hoke claims […]

Which Futures?

“Can we predict the future?” No. It is an open slate. “Can we know the future?” “Yes”– if that means knowing its contours. Christian faith needs to draw on both hindsight and foresight. […]

Sweet Keynotes Foresight 2005

by staff writer, Sep 26, 2005

Leonard Sweet set the tone at Foresight 2005.

Regent Hosted 3rd Annual Futures Conference

Drawing on the Starbucks experience of “living life more musically,” Dr. Leonard Sweet, author of Aqua Church and America’s premier Christian futurist, told 75 participants that “the world takes the church’s best lines,” […]

Future-Proof Your Life

by Jay Gary, Feb 15, 2000

Here are five steps you can take to develop a forward view your life and ministry:

Approach the new century in faith Track the trends that will shape the next three decades Identify alternative scenarios facing your region Envision all that the church could be in your society Develop […]