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Is Faith a Change Driver?

by Dr Jay Gary, April 2, 2007

I’ve been teaching forward-thinking leadership to graduate students for nearly four years now. I am indebted to those I’ve worked with from mid-career backgrounds. Since Regent draws a variety of people from various faith backgrounds, I’ve observed a wide variety of styles that people take toward becoming more […]

Century of Faith: 1901 letters, 2101 reflections

One hundred years ago the leaders of the Pikes Peak region sealed a Century Chest with some 130 letters and items, many addressed to congregations or clergy of the year 2001. What did these people of faith from 1901 have to say to us? What message should we seal and send to the Year 2101? […]

Brave New Salvation

Jun 20, 2007

‘On April 21, 2447, the death of a 143-year-old woman hailed a new era. Lungs of people everywhere swelled with relief. Impeccability had dawned. The deceased, Rosa Pecadorita, a coca grower in a remote village in the Andes mountains, was widely believed to have been the last living sinner.’ Catch this great […]

Does Faith Have a Future?

by Dr Jay Gary, Feb. 28, 2003

No matter who you are, whatever your spiritual background, you have probably asked yourself, What is the future of faith? What role will religion and spirituality play in our world 25, 50, or 200 years from now?

I am a professional futurist. I earn my living by […]