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Creating the Future of Faith

The global church desperately needs to develop a biblical theology of the future that goes beyond the impasse of apocalypticism or progressivism. Foresight offers a path forward. […]

The Future of Faith FAQ

by Dr Jay Gary

For 2,000 years faith has been built on constants, can it now be built on change?

Christian Futures Network Version 1.8 — 26 April 2013

Keywords: future of faith, research, creativity, change, forecasting, spirituality, creativity, millennialism, theology, culture, leadership, strategic foresight, development, emergent leaders, science and theology

1. What […]

The Focus of Christian Futures

by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, Aug 25, 1998

The purpose of the Christian Futures Network (CFN) is to promote dialogue, strategy, collaboration, scholarship, and clear thinking among Christians on the subject of the future. This collaboration has the following characteristics:

Christian Participants are Christians, defined as “one who believes in, or professes or confesses Jesus […]

Exploring Christian Futures

by Dr Jay Gary, Nov 4, 2002

Recently I took a journey up Pikes Peak, American’s mountain of inspiration. Situated where the western plains meet the Rocky Mountains, it was here that Kathryn Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” An Aussie friend had come to see Colorado Springs for the first time, and I was […]

Can't Christians be Questians?

by Jay Gary, PhD, Feb 19, 2010

I continue to read McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity, alongside blogs interacting with his book and bounce it off friends. Here is a recent Ooze streaming media of McLaren talking about his book.

The issues McLaren raises are worth exploring, because theology must always be ongoing, given […]

The T-Factor

Could the power of the resurrection be the power that shapes all God’s creation? Scientists have found a three-fold pattern that govern all of God’s creation. But a fourth factor, claims futurist Jay Gary, made known in the Resurrection is the power that transforms all things new. […]

McLaren Releases ‘A New Kind of Christianity’

by Jay Gary, PhD, Feb 9, 2010

Today is the release date for Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity. Yesterday I purchased a ‘kindle’ copy and it showed up right on schedule this morning. I did a quick browse through this past hour–I will give it much more attention and study.

But right away […]

Paradigms of the Future – 2003

by staff writer, Sep 10, 2003

Since the work of Thomas Kuhn, it has become increasingly common to talk about paradigm change in science. But how does this apply to theology? How has faith’s view of the future been shaped by large-scale paradigm change in society? Is eschatology still relevant, or are we barking up […]

Futurizing Theological Education

by Jay Gary, PhD, Mar. 2, 2003

I just turned in a proposal to the Evangelical Theological Society to speak at their November 2003 meeting in Atlanta, on this subject of “Futurizing Theological Education: case studies in foresight.”

Here is the ETS proposal, so you can get the drift of why evangelicals need to change […]