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Is Faith a Change Driver?

by Dr Jay Gary, April 2, 2007

I’ve been teaching forward-thinking leadership to graduate students for nearly four years now. I am indebted to those I’ve worked with from mid-career backgrounds. Since Regent draws a variety of people from various faith backgrounds, I’ve observed a wide variety of styles that people take toward becoming more […]

Fads, Trends and Faith-based Organizations

Recently, Chris Forbes of Ministry Marketing Coach caught up with Dr. Jay Gary, author, futurist and professor, on what he see for the future of nonprofits in the U.S. For years Dr. Gary has conducted “Future Proof Your Ministry” workshops. […]

The Future of Business as Mission

Is Christian ministry responsible for the direction of the 21st century? Can it influence Big Business and Brother Government toward a great transition to sustainability? […]

The Student Evangelism Index

The Student Evangelism Index statistically rates the need for evangelism among college students in 158 countries. It is a one of kind study that was created in 1987 to focus the prayer of Christians on the most unevangelized areas of the college world. […]

Google Trends Ranks Interests

May 15, 2006

Google Trends now allows you to compare the world’s interest in topics you track. Enter up to up to five topics and see how often they’ve been searched for on Google over time. The results displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which who has searched for […]

The Future of Business as Mission

by Jay Gary, Jan 24, 2007

A while back I presented a paper to the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiology Society on April 21, 2005, entitled, “The Future of Business as Mission: An Inquiry into Macro-Strategy.” The abstract is:

Recently ‘Business as Mission’ has emerged as a world evangelization strategy. It operates at the micro-level of […]

Foresight: Ten Trends Affecting the Church

by Howard A. Snyder & Daniel V. Aunyon, Apr 15, 1987

Remember Megatrends (1982) and Megatrends 2000 (1990) by pop futurist John Naisbitt? Well Howard Synder, first known for his work on Radical Renewal: The Problem of Wineskins, (1975), wrote a noteworthy book on Christian futures back in 1986, entitled:

Foresight: 10 Major Trends that […]

Future-Proof Your Life

by Jay Gary, Feb 15, 2000

Here are five steps you can take to develop a forward view your life and ministry:

Approach the new century in faith Track the trends that will shape the next three decades Identify alternative scenarios facing your region Envision all that the church could be in your society Develop […]