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In Tribute to a Christian Social Engineer

Ralph Winter was a maverick, engineer, and entrepreneur. He was a mentor to me in my early adult life. He passed away yesterday at age 84 in Pasadena, CA. He was best known as a Christian leader who turned the focus of Evangelical missionary work beyond national borders to unreached peoples. […]

The Millennium Bug in World Missions

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1999

It’s midnight millennium, Time to bury the past, Midnight millennium We’re going to have a blast. Midnight millennium, Three zeros all around. Midnight millennium, My computer’s gone down. (c) by George Heiner

With a crazy mix of doomsday dread and glib party wonder, a recent music CD by George […]

Perspectives Marks 30th Anniversary

The Institute of International Studies marked its 30th anniversary in 2004. I was asked to send my greetings to Perspectives coordinators from around the country. Here is what I shared. […]

Agenda for Students in the ’80s

What opportunities do the 1980s offer campus ministries with respect to world missions? Dr. Jay Gary offers four convictions about internationalizing student ministries. […]

The Crisis of 1900 and Today

by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, Mar 1, 1999

“I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said to me, ‘Moody, save all you can.’” -D.L. Moody

This well-known remark by one of the greatest evangelists in the history of Christianity typified a burgeoning movement to evangelize the […]

A Church for Every People Beyond 2000

by Jay Gary, Sep 15, 1995

This article was written in the fall of 1995 as a mid-decade check-up on frontier missions. It was published in the July 1996 by Evangelical Missions Quarterly, volume 32, number 3.

The mid-decade check up

In May, 1995, the AD2000 and Beyond Movement (Colorado Springs, Colo.) convened the Global […]