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The Millennium Bug in World Missions

by Jay Gary, Mar 1, 1999

It’s midnight millennium, Time to bury the past, Midnight millennium We’re going to have a blast. Midnight millennium, Three zeros all around. Midnight millennium, My computer’s gone down. (c) by George Heiner

With a crazy mix of doomsday dread and glib party wonder, a recent music CD by George […]

A Vision to Encompass the World

Jay Gary tells the fascinating story of how students in North America first caught a vision to reach their fellow students worldwide with the Gospel and help complete the Great Commission. Focusing on the period from 1895 to 1925, Gary traces the role of the YMCA/YWCA and their vision to reach every student in every college, by launching national Christian student movements in every country. […]

Perspectives Marks 30th Anniversary

The Institute of International Studies marked its 30th anniversary in 2004. I was asked to send my greetings to Perspectives coordinators from around the country. Here is what I shared. […]

Agenda for Students in the ’80s

What opportunities do the 1980s offer campus ministries with respect to world missions? Dr. Jay Gary offers four convictions about internationalizing student ministries. […]

Waking Up A Hundred Sleeping Firemen

I wrote this essay as a rationale for the Perspectives program. I was national director of the Institute of International Studies at that time. I share how this mission study course could help mobilize students in Christ’s global cause. […]

Mike O’Rear: A Tribute to a Good Friend

by Jay Gary, PhD, Jan. 16, 2012

Mike O’Rear, 1954-2012, Friend of Many

This past week Mike O’Rear, president of GMI, Global Mapping International, Colorado Springs, died suddenly of a heart attack. He was 57 years old. See company news release.

Mike was my friend for nearly three decades. Our wives first met […]

McKaughan Speaks on Vision & Conflict

by Jay Gary, Jun 28, 2006

World missions is in transition today, and must reconnect with both the aspirational vision of God, revealed in the Scripture, and to new cultures and generations. So claimed Paul McKaughan in an after-dinner speech to twenty mission leaders in Colorado Springs.

Hosted by Christian Futures and the Rocky Mountain […]

Changes in Mission, Dec 8th, 2006

by EMS, Dec 9, 2006

a 7-hour Forum for Christian leaders Friday, Dec. 8, 2006 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

in 3 locations, Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs. Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiological Society

Click Here to Register

Christian ministry faces a changing landscape in our time, including globalization, wealth gaps, failing social […]

Questions from the Watchword Consultation

by Jay Gary, Mar 14, 1999

Here are questions the program committee asked as it prepared for “The Watchword in World Missions” consultation, Colorado Springs, March 15-16, 1999. We welcome your feedback.


1. Since 1975, what contribution has the unreached peoples concept made to world missions? What other concepts […]

The Watchword Report: What Mean These Stones?

by Jay Gary and Todd Johnson, Mar 15, 1999

The book of Joshua recounts how a new generation, after reaching the west bank of the Jordan, set up twelve stones at Gilgal (Joshua 4:20-21) to provoke future generations to ask, “What do these stones mean?” The Watchword in World Missions consultation, likewise, was an […]