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Take “Future-Proof” Online

by staff writer, Apr 1, 2007


future_proof_onlineIn today’s hectic world, not everyone is able to attend live training sessions, but now the Future-Proof Your Ministry workshop can come to you, via our live web-cam format. All you need is an internet connection, a PC computer, a microphone, and the vision to take yourself and/or your organization to the next level.

In our Christian Futures web classroom, you will both see and hear the program, in real time, along with it’s powerpoint slides. You’ll also be able to respond back through text and audio chat. If you are interested in hosting a live-web, or face-to-face workshop please contact us.

Dr. Jay Gary is America’s leading faith-based futurist and a consultant to non-profits for over two decades. Now he’s taken four of his best mind-set management skills and packaged them into a 6-hour seminar, Future-Proof Your Ministry . Whether you are a student, mid-career professional or working now at the top of your game this workshop will sharpen your foresight skills. The workshop content applies both at the personal as well as the organizational level.

Customized online training sessions for your organization’s management team are also available. Contact us for pricing.

The Future-Proof Your Ministry workshop covers four topics, each taught during a 90 minute session:

  • The Future according to Jesus
  • Futures Fluency for Leaders
  • Mapping the Future
  • Leading the Foresight Process

Included in your registration price is the 140-page “Future Proof Your Ministry” e-notebook (an Adobe PDF document), with all the lecture slides and additional follow-on readings. These materials have been designed for the personal use of workshop participants only. You may keep them in your computer for your own personal use for years to come. 


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