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Transforming Mission Workshop

by EMS, Sep 10, 2005

a five-hour workshop for Christian leaders with Dr. Stan Nussbaum

trans-miss_lFriday, Dec. 16, 2005

9:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Penrose House, behind the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sponsored by the Rocky Mtn. Evangelical Missiological Society

David Bosch’s Transforming Mission (1991) is acknowledged as the leading book in mission theory of the last two decades, yet inaccessible to most. Now Dr. Stan Nussbaum, a student of the late Bosch, has unlocked its treasures in A Reader’s Guide to “Transforming Mission” (Orbis Books, 2005), Join the Rocky Mtn EMS for this hands-on workshop and discover how Bosch:

  • Rescues Christian mission from 20th-century triumphalism.
  • Revisions mission theology from the New Testament.
  • Reorganizes the classical evangelical view into an emerging post-Enlightenment paradigm.

world-ball_sDr. Nussbaum will reveal nine basic “insider” assumptions in mission gleaned from Bosch’s 519-page book. You will gain expertise in how to take Bosch’s huge concepts and reduce them to diagrams that can stimulate the thinking of your staff, field workers and friends.

Toward a New Paradigm of Mission


Grasp Bosch’s concepts in diagram form, in a way to share with your staff, field workers and friends


Dr. Stan Nussbaum

STAN NUSSBAUM has a life motto: “Living at the Speed of Grace.” He is the staff missiologist at GMI Research Services (Global Mapping International) in Colo. Springs, Chair of the Board of Publications of the American Society of Missiology, an Associate of the Missions Commission of WEA (World Evangelical Alliance), and an active member of the Rocky Mountain EMS chapter. Other interests/ministries include: African indigenous churches, traditional proverbs, in-service training for missionaries, AIDS, American culture, creative evangelism via story and festival, and theology of mission. His most recent publications are: Why Are Americans Like That? (Enculturation Books, June 2005) and American Cultural Baggage (Orbis Books 2005).


Location: Penrose House, 1661 Mesa Rd., Colo Spgs, CO 80906

Transforming Mission was held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm on December 16 at the Penrose House, 1661 Mesa Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906. The location is 4 blocks behind the Broadmoor Hotel, just past  Pauline Memorial Catholic School, on Mesa. Our host will be Bruce McCluggage, of Christian Futures.
bosch-bk_lBosch’s Transforming Mission and Nussbaum’s Reader’s Guide were available for participants to pre-order and receive at the workshop.

The archived workshop tri-fold PDF brochure can be retrieved here.

The archived PDF flier can be found  here.

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