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AD 2000 Global Service Office

Following the Global Consultation on AD 2000 in Singapore in 1989, Jay Gary launched a news desk to serve this outreach movement in Christianity.

A significant moment in history awaits you. Futurists, trend watchers, and global planners have their eyes fixed on the year 2000. Christian leaders, as well are considering the possibilities for a “Decade of Evangelization.”

Is it possible to take the gospel to the whole world before a new century begins? The AD 2000 Global Service Office exists to help you explore this possibility and make it a reality in the world you serve.

For centuries Christians have prayed for a truly international family of faith. That time has now come. The opportunity is unparalleled for mutual communication and action among leaders from different continents or denominations.

Not only do new solutions need to be envisioned, but the side effects of proposed innovations need to be examined and blind alleys avoided. The AD 2000 Global Service Office exists to help you find other leaders who are ready to take action around specific AD 2000 agendas.

Already Christianity’s largest denominations have dedicated the years 19912000 to world outreach. Many Christian leaders believe the final decade of 20th century will witness the greatest spiritual harvest the world has ever seen.

The AD 2000 Global Service Office exists to help you share this hope for awakening and evangelization throughout your network. Through its books, directories, news service and magazines, you can keep track of new developments as we reach towards AD 2000.

In response to a growing vision among denominations and agencies, an AD 2000 Global Service Office was launched in January, 1989.

The AD 2000 Global Service Office exists to help major networks, denominations, agencies, and national groups respond to the goal of completing world evangelization on the basis of their own call and character.

Note: The AD 2000 Global Service Office, launched by Dr. Jay Gary, operated from January of 1989 to the summer of 1992 in Pasadena, California. Besides publishing a series of AD 2000 books, it launched the “AD 2000 Monitor”–a quarterly trend letter for Christian leaders on world evangelization. This “AD 2000” category contains some of the best articles and addresses from that period. Much of the work of the service office since that time has been picked up by the “AD 2000” Global Evangelization Movement, led by Dr. David Barrett and Dr. Todd Johnson. This text was from the AGSO’s first brochure, that was taken to the Lausanne II Congress in Manila.

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