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Churches and Futurists

artificial intelligence

IMPACT Magazine of Singapore recently interviewed Dr. Jay Gary on how professional futurists view the church and the future of society. […]

The Future According to Jesus

Dr. Jay Gary asks, What can a Galilean Jew still teach us about creating our future? This essay proposes that Jesus held a three-futures framework, explores this as a first-century generational narrative, and 3) offer reflections on how a post-conventional faith can approach the future. […]

Welcome to Christian

by Dr. Jay Gary

Greetings and welcome to the Christian Futures Network.

As the third millennium begins, we are looking to the resurrected Christ for insight and wisdom to help renew and lead the church into the future. Despite the apocalyptic anxiety of so many followers of Jesus, I believe we have embarked upon a […]

The Future of Faith FAQ

by Dr Jay Gary

For 2,000 years faith has been built on constants, can it now be built on change?

Christian Futures Network Version 1.8 — 26 April 2013

Keywords: future of faith, research, creativity, change, forecasting, spirituality, creativity, millennialism, theology, culture, leadership, strategic foresight, development, emergent leaders, science and theology

1. What […]

Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

What causes someone to think about tomorrow’s possibilities, rather than yesterday’s shadows? In this 2003 essay, Dr. Jay Gary shares his story of how he set out to serve the purposes of God in this generation, only to learn that the task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. […]

The Focus of Christian Futures

by Dr. Todd M. Johnson, Aug 25, 1998

The purpose of the Christian Futures Network (CFN) is to promote dialogue, strategy, collaboration, scholarship, and clear thinking among Christians on the subject of the future. This collaboration has the following characteristics:

Christian Participants are Christians, defined as “one who believes in, or professes or confesses Jesus […]

Exploring Christian Futures

by Dr Jay Gary, Nov 4, 2002

Recently I took a journey up Pikes Peak, American’s mountain of inspiration. Situated where the western plains meet the Rocky Mountains, it was here that Kathryn Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” An Aussie friend had come to see Colorado Springs for the first time, and I was […]

Regent Launches ‘Futures’ Degree: 2006

by Dr Jay Gary, May 10, 2006

This past summer Regent University announced the launch of a M.A. of Strategic Foresight degree, a project I have been working on for two years. This unique online program allows mid-career professions to study the future in the context of organizational decision-making, while continuing to work full-time.

It […]

Christian Futures Bulletin

by Dr. Jay Gary

“helping Christian leaders rethink the future”

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BECOME A STRATEGIC TEAM WITH JAY GARY

Recently I sat down with executives from one of America’s top Christian ministries. They have a great legacy of leadership training, with hundreds of staff in the U.S. and around the world. While they do strategic planning […]

My Journey into the Future

In September of 2005, ChristianFutures hosted Dr. Todd Johnson, co-editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia on campus at Regent University, for Foresight 2005–the third annual futures conference for Christian leaders. This essay by Johnson was circulated to participants beforehand. […]