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Future-Proof Your Ministry–live with Dr. Jay Gary

by Dr. Jay Gary, May 15, 2006

Click here for a 6-minute preview of this workshop (Broadband plays immediately, 56k modems some delay)

Over the past twenty-five years I have served as a turn-around specialist to various communities, organizations, ministries and congregations. Now I have gleaned the lessons of transformative leadership I’ve used […]

Vulnerable Mission Opens Whispering Campaign

by Dr. Jay Gary, Jan 6, 2009

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:44-46

What is the future of world missions, given the permanent white water of […]

McLaren Announces DeepShift Tour

by staff writer, Jul 31, 2007

The book hit stores on October 2, 2007

Brian McLaren, emergent church leader and acclaimed author, has announced an “Everything Must Change” eleven city USA tour for 2008, starting in February. The tour will consider “what shifts must occur in our lives, families, faith communities, and the […]

McKaughan Speaks on Vision & Conflict

by Jay Gary, Jun 28, 2006

World missions is in transition today, and must reconnect with both the aspirational vision of God, revealed in the Scripture, and to new cultures and generations. So claimed Paul McKaughan in an after-dinner speech to twenty mission leaders in Colorado Springs.

Hosted by Christian Futures and the Rocky Mountain […]

Transforming Mission Workshop

by EMS, Sep 10, 2005

a five-hour workshop for Christian leaders with Dr. Stan Nussbaum

Friday, Dec. 16, 2005

9:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Penrose House, behind the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sponsored by the Rocky Mtn. Evangelical Missiological Society

David Bosch’s Transforming Mission (1991) is acknowledged as the leading book in mission […]

Sweet Keynotes Foresight 2005

by staff writer, Sep 26, 2005

Leonard Sweet set the tone at Foresight 2005.

Regent Hosted 3rd Annual Futures Conference

Drawing on the Starbucks experience of “living life more musically,” Dr. Leonard Sweet, author of Aqua Church and America’s premier Christian futurist, told 75 participants that “the world takes the church’s best lines,” […]

Foresight 2004 Offered Insight

by Julia Lynn Mattera, Oct 8, 2004

Virginia Beach, VA (Regent SLS) – Foresight 2004 was a success as Regent University’s School of Leadership Studies held its second annual futures conference for Christian leaders September 23-25, 2004 at the Founders Inn & Conference Center. Forty-three attendees representing diverse professions came from across the U.S. and […]

Paradigms of the Future – 2003

by staff writer, Sep 10, 2003

Since the work of Thomas Kuhn, it has become increasingly common to talk about paradigm change in science. But how does this apply to theology? How has faith’s view of the future been shaped by large-scale paradigm change in society? Is eschatology still relevant, or are we barking up […]

Regent Hosts “Foresight” 2003

by staff writer, Jul 23, 2003

Regent University’s Doctor of Strategic Leadership Studies program hosted a “Foresight” conference, September 26 to September 27th, 2002, in Virginia Beach, Va. to help their students and alumni focus on “strategic foresight,” a new field that has been crafted at the intersection of planning, technological forecasting, organizational development and […]

Changes in Mission, Dec 8th, 2006

by EMS, Dec 9, 2006

a 7-hour Forum for Christian leaders Friday, Dec. 8, 2006 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

in 3 locations, Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs. Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Evangelical Missiological Society

Click Here to Register

Christian ministry faces a changing landscape in our time, including globalization, wealth gaps, failing social […]