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AD 2000 Archive

Discover how the dream of reaching the world for Christ by 2000 took shape in the ’90s, only to collapse due to misguided millennialism. […]

Century of Faith: 1901 letters, 2101 reflections

One hundred years ago the leaders of the Pikes Peak region sealed a Century Chest with some 130 letters and items, many addressed to congregations or clergy of the year 2001. What did these people of faith from 1901 have to say to us? What message should we seal and send to the Year 2101? […]

The Meaning of the Year 2000

This is the first three briefing papers that Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16, 1990 at the “Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization” in Indianapolis. […]

The Genesis of the Third Millennium

This was third of three addresses Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16-18, 1990 at the ‘Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization’ in Indianapolis. […]

Leaders to Try Again for Century Goal

Christians leaders intent on spreading the gospel by century’s end will try again at the ” Global Consultation on World Evangelization by AD 2000 and Beyond,” scheduled Jan. 5-8, 1989 in Singapore. […]

Leaders to Pursue Cooperative Efforts

“We believe that it is possible to bring the gospel to all people by the year 2000.” This was among the declarations in a “Great Commission Manifesto” adopted by more than 300 Christian leaders from some 50 countries, during the Jan. 5-8, 1989 “Global Consultation on World Evangelization by AD 2000 and Beyond” in Singapore. […]

GCOWE 2000: The Meeting of the Century

Some hailed it as the “meeting of the century.” This page tells its story in pictures and the groundwork it laid for what became one of the most dramatic decades in church history. […]

The Early History of AD 2000

Long into the 21st century, church historians, missiologists and graduate students will look back to the late 20th century to understand the roots of a movement to evangelize the world by 2000. Here are some lines of inquiry for future researchers in interpreting the innovations which GCOWE 2000 pioneered. […]

AD 2000 Global Service Office

Following the Global Consultation on AD 2000 in Singapore in 1989, Jay Gary launched a news desk to serve this outreach movement in Christianity. […]

AD 2000: Passing Fad or Enduring Movement?

World evangelization at the kickoff of a new decade? What is the AD 2000 movement really? Where is it headed? Jay Gary offered an editorial on the eve of the Lausanne II Congress. […]