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DVD–Pathways to Foresight




by Dr. Richard A. Slaughter

Is the future a disaster waiting to happen? Or can we employ foresight to design pathways to viable futures? Join world-renown futures educator, Dr. Richard Slaughter, in this new 8-session DVD. Discover new futures thinking that can help you work toward alternative  futures. This series can be viewed individually on your computer or by small groups on a DVD player. Each session comes with note-taking handouts and transcripts.

This DVD training is perfect for any team, either at work, school or ministry, that is focusing on innovation and creativity. Learn how to cultivate a forward view and leverage that toward strategic and social change.

The series host is Dr. Richard Slaughter, director of Foresight International and founding professor of foresight at the Australian Foresight Institute, Swinburne University. Slaughter is the also editor of the Knowledge Base of Future Studies, the leading multi-volume graduate textbook worldwide in futures studies.

Richard SlaughterAbout the Author: Dr. Richard Slaughter is the president of Foresight International, in Brisbane, Australia. He is a futurist of international standing with a PhD in Futures Studies. He is the author and/or editor of 16 books and has written numerous articles and papers on futures themes and methodologies. He has long-standing professional links with prominent international institutions, organizations and research bodies. His most recent work was founding the Australian Foresight Institute (AFI) and serving as President of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). He recently released a compendium of four previous books on CD-Rom, entitled: Toward a Wise Culture: Four Classics (2005). He also has released a revised, updated “professional” version of The Knowledge Base of Futures Studies on CD-ROM (2005). For more, see Foresight International.

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DVD Sessions

Format: 3-Set DVD, NTSC (Foresight International, 2005)

  1. The Making of a Futurist
  2. Critical Futures Studies
  3. The Knowledge Base of Future Studies
  4. Foresight and the Civilisational Challenge
  5. Foresight Methodologies and Implementation
  6. How to Create Social Foresight
  7. Integral Futures—A Deeper and Broader Approach
  8. A Conversation with Ken Wilber
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