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Eschatology and the Future of the Church

Dr. Jay Gary shares what a new eschatology might offer to the church of tomorrow in its work of rebuilding humanity’s future. […]

Vulnerable Mission: You Mean What?

by Jay Gary, Oct 18, 2007

‘You mean what?’ I asked over breakfast, as Jim Harries explained the principles of Vulnerable Mission. ‘I agree with the principle of local language, but why should Western missionaries avoid using outside money to sustain ministry activities?’ Here are some reflections I have on this emphasis, in connection to […]

Survey Measures: How Christian Are You?

by Jon Kniss, Jul 6, 2005

July 6, 2005 — (BOSTON) — In today’s day and age, with society’s ever-changing and evolving principles, morals, ethics, activities, practices and norms, there are a wide variety of opinions about “What makes a ‘good’ Christian?” The many answers to this intriguing question are of considerable interest to Boston […]