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Do You Hear Voices in Your Head?

by Jay Gary, PhD, April 16, 2007

Graham Cooke, Denver, April 13, 2007

It is not normal to hear voices in your head, at least in my culture. Yet many of my friends claim to. If you confessed to ‘auditory hallucinations’ you would normally be diagnosed as borderline schizophrenia by your psychiatrist.

Among […]

The Future of Faith FAQ

by Dr Jay Gary

For 2,000 years faith has been built on constants, can it now be built on change?

Christian Futures Network Version 1.8 — 26 April 2013

Keywords: future of faith, research, creativity, change, forecasting, spirituality, creativity, millennialism, theology, culture, leadership, strategic foresight, development, emergent leaders, science and theology

1. What […]

Cathedral to Focus on Innovation & Tradition

by Elizabeth Mullen, April 19, 2007

Billed as a “A Gathering to Envision, Encourage & Energize Renewing Mainline Congregations,” the Washington National Cathedral convened a three-day gathering in May, 10-12, 2007. Mainline and evangelical Christians talked about the best practices within their ministries and how these practices address a new set of cultural conditions in […]