by Vincent Donovan
Vincent J. Donovan is known to tens of thousands of readers as the author of Christianity Rediscovered (Orbis 1978, 2003). In this long-awaited sequel, he moves from Africa where he sought to present Christ without the usual missionary paraphernalia, to the Western world. He asks, “We see quite plainly the church as it is, but what should it be?” Father Donovan argues that our times should be compared to those of the earliest church, when Paul sought to open up the gospel to non-Jews without demanding Jewish law obedience. He pictures a church today that has grown into the mold of the modern age, with its uniformity, specialization and centralization. And he explores how that church can put off a domesticated Christ, create new forms of ministry and find new life before God. The Church in the Midst of Creation is essential reading for anyone who has ever asked, “What will be involved in refounding the church for the Third Millennium?” This 1989 book is out of print and offered as a 2004 e-book.
About the author: Vincent J. Donovan, a Spiritan priest, spent seventeen years in Tanzania before returning to ministry in the United States. He died in 2000.
Ebook, .pdf format*, size=900k, (Bimillennial 2004), 206 pp. This item usually can be downloaded the same day.
*PDF files require an Adobe® Acrobat® Reader (4.0 and higher), a free plugin (5.6MB) that can be downloaded. Click the button below.
1. Yesterday’s Children
A Theological Look at Our Time in the Church
The Brother of the Lord
2. The Dying of an Age
The Mind of Christ
The Birth Pangs of a New Age
A Global Revolution
3. The Church: Captive of the Industrial Revolution
From Unity to Uniformity
From Generalization to Specialization
From Local Community to Central Headquarters
Synchronization, Concentration, and Maximization
4. The Mediterranean Christ
Early Concepts of Christ
Searching for the Historical Jesus
A Planetary Christ
5. Sacraments for the World
Not in Jerusalem
6. The Thirteenth Apostle
Religion, Revelation, and Faith
7. The Church of the Third wave
Doctrine and Sacrament in a Destandardized Church
A Despecialized Church
A Decentralized Church
8. Heirs of the World
The Church in the Midst of Creation
Evangelization in the New Age
A New Earth
9. Preaching the Gospel to America
A Giant Leap for Humankind
The Unpreached Gospel
What Do You Believe?
Individualism, Self-Fulfillment, and Racism
A New Age Dawning
10. Epilogue: The Response
The Church
The Basic Community
Discussion Guide
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