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The Power of AD 2000 Mega-Images

In 1993 I gave an address to the Adopt-a-People national conference, unpacking the wealth of imagery found in the A.D. 2000 storehouse. This speech later was revised and appeared in The Star of 2000. […]

AD 2000 Archive

Discover how the dream of reaching the world for Christ by 2000 took shape in the ’90s, only to collapse due to misguided millennialism. […]

The Genesis of the Third Millennium

This was third of three addresses Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16-18, 1990 at the ‘Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization’ in Indianapolis. […]

AD 2000: Passing Fad or Enduring Movement?

World evangelization at the kickoff of a new decade? What is the AD 2000 movement really? Where is it headed? Jay Gary offered an editorial on the eve of the Lausanne II Congress. […]

AD 2000 Call Sounded at Lausanne II

Jay Gary reports on how the AD 2000 call at Lausanne II in Manila was both affirmed and critiqued. […]

The Birth of an AD 2000 Agenda

Note: This was one of three addresses Jay Gary presented to the press on August 16, 1990 at the “Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization” in Indianapolis.

Participants at Indianapolis ’90

Calling the church to finish the task of world evangelization by the turn of the century is nothing new. One […]

Tumbling Toward 2000: Evangelization movements enter the ’90s

If recent history tells us anything, the turn of the centuryof the millennium, will galvanize attention around the world. The celebrations surrounding the American bicentennial, in 1976, the commemoration of the signing of the Constitution of the United States, in 1987, the forthcoming five-hundredth anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the New World in 1992: these will pale before the blaze attending the year 2000. […]

AD 2000: Prophetic or Target Date?

The year 2000 is the mother of all target dates, perfect for the end time missionary battle, claims Jay Gary. Date-setting seems to be a popular pastime these days. Like finely feathered darts, people are throwing dates all over the millennial dart board. […]

The Bimillennial Era Has Begun

Jay Gary claims that the time has come for the world to make the year 2000 what it is truly meant to be–the greatest celebration in the history of civilization–in honor of the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus. […]

The Watchword and the Year 2000

On the 15th anniversary of the Watchword, “A Church for Every People by the Year 2000,” Jay Gary shared his reflections on the year 2000 as a symbol of hope. […]