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Self-Sacrificial Leadership & Islam?

Recently various Christian leaders have called Islam a violent religion led by fanatics. Could Evangelical rhetoric be widening Huntington’s ‘clash of civilizations’ between an Islamic civilization and Western civilization? Are evangelicals itching for a civilizational fight, as Hoover asks? […]

The March of the Millennium

The 20th century witnessed some great marches, claims Jay Gary. Yet these marches pale in comparison to the true and greater march led by Jesus. As a greater Moses, Jesus is leading a greater exodus as we cross into the third millennium. It should rightfully be called, the “March of the Millennium.” […]

Christianity as a Global Threat?

by Jay Gary, Dec 3, 2007

After 9/11 there was alot of talk about the threat of radical Islam, but recently, the subject in America has moved to the threat of right-wing Christianity. In this blog post, emergent church leader Brian McLaren addresses this threat, and talks about how his latest book reveals a growing […]